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An IP Address For Every Light Bulb 457

An anonymous reader writes "Yesterday NXP and Green Wave Reality announced to the world that they plan to give every lightbulb an IPV6 address. Hot on the heels of Google's 900 mhz announcement, Green Wave Reality already has iPhone / Android / and Web-based support. Looks like the lighting wars have started."

Comment the issue is where he was born (Score 1) 869

I don't think anyone believes he's not actually a US citizen. The point of conflict is that the US President is required to be a natural-born citizen. That means that if you immigrate and become a US citizen, you can become a citizen with all rights and privileges, except for one, becoming President. Like many things, the Constitution stipulates that, but doesn't really define the term in complete detail.

Natural Born is quite clear to me. You must have been born in the US. Naturally. So this would mean John Adams would qualify for President, and Alexander Hamilton would not (for sake of example ignoring the “or a citizen of the United States, at the time of adoption of this Constitution" clause). After that generation passed on, it would be impossible for anyone to immigrate to the US and then become President. I don't understand how this has become a gray area for so many lately.

Comment Bad move for Ubuntu One Music (Score 1) 266

The default music player in Ubuntu 11.04 is no longer Rhythmbox. Instead Banshee is now the default music player.

If they seriously wanted Ubuntu One Music to be relevant, it was already a bad idea to require linux/Rhythmbox, but now the default player wont even support One Music without installing a plugin.

Comment Restore original CD from FLAC (Score 1) 550

I recently came into an album that was one long .flac file plus a .cue file. I prefer individual song files so I took a few steps to break it up. Basically using ImgBurn and MadFLAC, I was able to recreate the original CD via the .cue file and then re-rip the cd in the manner of my choosing. I didn't realize the power of the CUE file allowed me to create that cd again that was even recognized by a gracenote lookup. Fantastic.

Comment Bad Summary (Score 1) 1277

Technically they're right. We are not a democracy, we are a republic.


Their reasons for doing this may be wrong...

What? I RTA and they don't say anything about democracy having the word democrat in it. It is a valid concern that students in public school systems should be correctly taught what type of government we are (meant to) have. Especially these days when so many are being taught that the government takes care of everything and is the ultimate authority in everyone's lives.

Comment Disaggree with Comments (Score 1) 539

The modern linux is wonderful. There are lots more options and lots of them suck, but some don't. In the old days, there were no options. The one way sucked (sometimes). Todays linux still has everything intact and if you dont want all the Walmart Linux applications, you dont have to run them. Try Gentoo if you still really like to create the universe. But even there you have MUCH more stability and MUCH more supported hardware then in the bad old days.

Comment It goes beyond complete systems (Score 1) 609

Most major brand motherboards (for example) you buy will come with at least one cd. You have to look at each application very carefully, often their names are not intuitive and there is no description. If you want to install chipset drivers, video, sound & maybe the update app, you will have to know what you are looking for.

Comment Re:Bill is a Eugenicist (Score 1) 832

Your an idiot. If half of them died before they were ten (and he's going to fix this) then how would it even be a factor in over population? That's fucking ass backwards thinking. Not to mention that you, like Gates, seem to view people as rabbits or cockroaches or something. I find that perspective completely disgusting.

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