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Comment Re:Make the best browser (Score 2) 555

- Users want the latest and greatest, and generally don't mind dumping support for legacy garbage after a reasonable amount of time. Additionally "rolling out the new version" is just clicking the "update now" button when the dialog comes up.. and you can even opt out of that and just have it automatic.

Actually, I've found that while users often want the latest and greatest, they get absolutely extraordinarily pissy if their 15-year-old program doesn't work any more, and will jump through more hoops than you'd believe in order to try and keep the most useless crap running for an extra month.

Comment Re:Make the best browser (Score 1) 555

And you understand picking on a typo to support your moronic assumption that he wasn't specifically asking about processes that would probably be most using ActiveX means your fail on two counts, correct?

1. Being an asshole,
2. Supporting your claim.

You also failed at reading comprehension. He's not a consultant, he's getting a degree, so he's talking with businesses to find out the kinds of technology he needs most to familiarize himself with. So, one might say you "fail," and so much so that it was rather "epic" in scope. Maybe even say that you had an "epic fail." At least my assumptions are rational.

Comment Re:Lack of backward compatibility WTF? (Score 1) 443

Er, and what part is supposed to correlate to Microsoft? Office still has backwards compatibility, Win7 has XP mode, and they supported XP right up until then. The only time compatibility's really broken is with Vista. And even then, you still had XP available. FCP7 is not available, and has no support, and by reports, hasn't for a while. So I'm sorry, but I don't see a situation on MS's side that's analogous to this. Unless you're referring to something like 2007's switch to the ribbon. Which isn't even close to the same thing, since functionality was still there, just moved around. Not meaning to be bitchy or anything, but if you could expand your statement to an actual comparison?

Comment Re:I thought that was the iPhone (Score 1) 443

Then it should have been released 6 months from now. I'm not blaming Apple on this one (for once), but the entire goddamned industry. Stop releasing your Beta as a consumer-ready product. RIM's Playbook, Apple's FCPX, and well, most tablets barring the iPad, really. Every single one wasn't completely ready for launch, either missing crucial features or getting tons of stability fixes within the first weeks of release. I know it's not a new phenomenon, but it seems to have gotten worse recently.

Comment Re:Journalism (Score 1) 315

Jesus. If even half as many cancel this time, that's likely to be a huge fucking blow to the game. About the only one that can stand to lose 20k subscribers at a shot is WoW, and since the uproar is higher than last time, 20k would be conservative. I've never played EVE, but I'd hate to see it go. It proves that a game can be different from WoW and still work. Well, had worked.

Comment Re:everyone loses (Score 1) 412

No it's not. You're an idiot.

See how that works?

I can reasonably claim that you mowing the lawn while I'm asleep causes me terror. After all, if your mower is loud enough, and I'm disoriented enough, then the noise can cause me to fear for my life, and be terrified, until I find out what's going on. So, under your rules, mowing the FUCKING LAWN IS TERRORISM! If I'm a pedestrian, and you drive too close to me, I could be terrified I'm about to be run over. DRIVING YOUR CAR IS TERRORISM.

See why your definition simply doesn't work? Get one that actually encompasses a reasonable set of actions, and you might not come off like an idiot.

Comment Re:everyone loses (Score 3, Insightful) 412

I'm sorry, but that's a retarded response. Even if I think the reaction to 9/11 was overblown, hacking a company is a completely different scale than wide-spread physical destruction and loss of life. To try and equate them means you're not an individual who should ever be included in a rational discussion about proportional response or morality. If I had to guess, I'd say you're probably one of the "nuke 'em all and fuck sorting them out" types, right?

Comment Re:everyone loses (Score 1) 412

What it was was that the US made a statement that any cyber attacks by foreign nations would be met with retaliation up to and including use of military force. Further, you cannot actually declare a war on an individual, nor a concept, "War on Drugs/Terror" notwithstanding. Also, threatening war is not terrorism, it is a tactic commonly used by governments all over the world, and was quite popular with the US for a while, as well as most Western nations.

Comment Re:They're describing most of the U.S. infrastruct (Score 1) 199

And don't even get me started on the bridges.

Can we just shut the f___ up about bridges? Ever since the 1970's the Chicken Little's have been screaming about the bridges and how they're all going to fall down any day now. Yet, the sky persists in not falling. Yes, bridges have fallen - but it's literally a one-in-ten-million event. So what? (And no, you can't trust the various reports. They depend on self reporting, and the locals flat out lie to raise their position on the lists so the get to the head of the line for pork.)

Well, not to get your dander up, but in my city, the major bridges get major upkeep every few years. Repave the road deck, check the supports, etc. And then about once a decade or so they do a *really* major overhaul. Then again, those bridges do get a few million cars driving over them every year, so they might be an exception, but that maintenance schedule suggests they really should be looked after regularly.

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