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Comment Re:And In Unrelated News... (Score 1) 801

In theory, yes. And for mathematics and science, certainly.

But when it comes to the amorphous subject of "language arts", most of the PhD's in the profession haven't a clue. Trust me. When it comes to teaching reading, most teachers know better (as opposed to an academic), as they have a bias for wanting to use what works. Surprising I know, but most first and second grade teachers I know teach exactly the same way: using phonics, choral reading and other proven tools.

Note to academia: stop trying to reinvent the reading wheel.

I'm a teacher, BTW.

Apple to 'Switch' to Windows? 903

JFlex writes "PC Mags writer John C. Dvorak discusses the idea that Apple may dump OS X and 'switch' to running Windows in a recent column: "The idea that Apple would ditch its own OS for Microsoft Windows came to me from Yakov Epstein, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University, who wrote to me convinced that the process had already begun. I was amused, but after mulling over various coincidences, I'm convinced he may be right. This would be the most phenomenal turnabout in the history of desktop computing.""

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