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Comment Here's an analogy (Score 1) 334

We've all been saying that the major music publishers sales are shrinking, right? Well this is the moment where it really shows. This move of theirs will affect the artists signed underneath them as they re prioritize their marketable assets and just remove all the fringe bands/artists that fewer people listen to. Soon they'll be selling only the bands/artists on the Top40 chart (or whatever chart they've made anyways). It's AMPUTATION.

Comment Re:Confusing Comparison: RTS vs RPG (Score 1) 737

That's what I was thinking. I'm in S. Korea and there are, not one but, TWO tv channels that play Starcraft tourneys almost 24/7. And its been like this for quite some time. So by now its really getting old and stale and the audience/gamers are looking for something new and fresh. I guarantee that there will be televised Starcraft 2 tourneys within a week of official release. Even if LAN isn't included in the official software I'll bet that Blizzard would give the tourneys special patches to make it work. Gaming TV is big biz here and the players/teams are sponsored (they wear jackets with product endorsements like Nascar racers).

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