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Comment Re:The study is about the effects of climate chang (Score 2) 640

So, this is really just an example of what we all (should have) learned when taught logic:

False premises lead to whatever conclusion you want.

In order for the statement "If only cyclical changes influence climate, then the effect on the climate of Nebraska will be ________," to even be worth asking, there has to be a good reason to assume that only cyclical changes influence climate, or a good reason not to assume other influences.

Submission + - How to Contact Representatives and Senators?

skine writes: Based on a post from GumphMaster, I believe that a bill such as Section 54 of Australia's Constitution would benefit the US.

The proposed law which appropriates revenue or moneys for the ordinary annual services of the Government shall deal only with such appropriation.

However, any attempt to contact my Senators or Congressman yield only a notice that their offices are closed to email, phone, and mail until the shutdown is ended. Granted, I wouldn't expect my Congressman or Senators to actually read or listen to any email, voicemail message, or letter I send under normal circumstances. So, really, how do I get the attention of my representatives in Congress?

Comment Re:GOLD - Asimov (Score 1) 532

Records! Willard was hesitating. Music, when it was a matter of electronic exchange, meant nothing.
There was no feeling of either wealth or poverty of one's collection above a certain level.
The world was a matter of internet stores and bit torrent and all the world transferred, transferred, transferred.
Records were different. They had a feel. Each album had a weight. Piled together, it had a beauty.
It was music one could appreciate and experience.

Comment Re:An open system (Score 1) 271

Also, for people who don't resell their games, it makes no difference.

As someone who has been playing video games since the early 1990s, the only games that have left my collection are ones I've misplaced, and ones that I let someone borrow but never had returned (either because of the friend misplacing it, or losing contact with them).

Plus, I bought Skyrim for $40 on sale a few months after it came out, when the regular price was still $60. If I had bought the game new at $60, then traded it in for MAYBE $20, I would still be out the same $40.

Comment Not Intended for Quitting (Score 4, Interesting) 314

As someone who got into e-cigs relatively early (2009) and still vapes, it's important to note that they are NOT really meant for quitting. Sure, it's possible to quit using them, but they are more intended to be a replacement device. It's only quitting in the sense that you're not using traditional cigarettes anymore.

Why are they catching on?

1. They are (likely to be) healthier. Sure, some will say that e-cigs contain ingredients present in anti-freeze. These same ingredients, though, are also found in rescue inhalers, fog machines, and Twinkies. Mostly, though, they don't contain all of the tar and poisonous substances we all know are present in other cigarettes.

2. You don't smell like burnt paper, and don't make you smell like burnt paper for the rest of the day. Pretty self-explanatory.

3. (Or 2a) You can vape indoors, and stealth-vape. Smoking outdoors is fine eight months of the year here in Upstate NY. The other four months - and all of the days it's raining - having to go outdoors sucks. Not only in homes and apartments, but at bars. Also, if I'm in a place where I don't want people to know I vape, I can just go into the bathroom or a toilet stall, and nobody is the wiser. Not the same for a cigarette.

4. Much easier to maintain a constant buzz. I recently had the charger I've had since the start decide to stop working, so I switched back to traditional cigarettes. I absolutely hated that I felt like hell or got enough of a buzz to make my legs weak.

Comment Re:You don't have to open the door (Score 1) 417

Let's assume that someone owns a house with unbreakable windows, walls, doors, and locking mechanisms. The doors have an electronic lock that requires a passkey to open. Also, assume that the police have a warrant to search this house.

If the police arrives with a warrant, you don't have to open the door for them.

If we take this as true, then the police will be unable to access the house unless they guess the passkey or catch the person entering his own house.

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