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Comment Re:so they've discovered phonetics (Score 1) 508

There are too many characters sharing the same pronunciation, a simple transition to a phonetics system would be extremly annoying and painful. Too many examples... let me pick a random one.
xi - If written like this, it can stand for: inhale, suck, west, rare, sparse, happiness, play, wash, etc, etc; and when combined with "la", diarrhea.

OK if there's context, otherwise completely unusable.

Comment Happy birthday IE. (Score 1) 271

Despite your countless security holes, bad implementations of web standards and all these bad browser-dependent HTML codes caused by you, you really gave all these laymen in the world a simple way to explore the Internet. And glad to see that you're improving.

Comment Re:Government exists for warfare. (Score 4, Interesting) 247

I often get reply and explanation from US sysadmins when I complain while I get typical bot-net or hijacked machines port-scanning traffic, rarely do I get replies from China. Is it because China sysadmins are all hackers or because their organization is less professional and that are just less competent and get overflodded with complain reports ?

Just wondering... ;-)

They don't read English and/or have difficulties writing a reply in English, and everything you can expect to get from a machine translator would be gibberish. Even if you write the letter in completely correct Chinese they still won't care, unless you are his superior and he must obey your commands - this is the typical attitude among many Chinese sysadmins.

Comment Last time I checked... (Score 3, Insightful) 206

...terrorists don't have telepathic links with each other, so catching a terrorist and constantly monitoring his mind won't work.
And I don't think that there're terrorists who don't change their plans, run away, or go into hiding after realizing that one of their teammates was caught. If they're really that dumb and don't flee, they're not going to bomb anything successfully anyway.

Comment FYI (Score 2, Interesting) 115

One can easily find many resident IDs with the associated names on the Internet & in real life. Copy it, validate it, use it, voila.
And some service providers don't really care about all this real name shit - they just ask for a resident ID in valid format and don't bother to check whether it is associated with the name you provided. There are tools readily available for creation of fake IDs.

Comment Re:Choice (Score 2, Informative) 110

Actually there're choices - some time earlier the huge China telecommunications company broke up and became two separate corporations, with Netcom (later merged with Unicom as per orders from the government in order to "create more competition" and "optimize the structure") serving north China and Telecom serving south. They expanded into the rival's territories rapidly and actually competed with each other at the beginning, but the two biggest ISPs soon realized that competition was not a good idea for them and signed a "truce" restricting themselves to current distribution, for Telecom no further north and Netcom no further south.

And the "choices" are nothing more than different flavours of the same shit - you get the same shitty Internet (eh, Intranet with some access to outside) with different ISP advertisements (deep packet inspection & inserting HTML codes) fucking up your pages and trojan horse PPPoE dialers.

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