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Comment Re: Where are the parents? (Score 1, Informative) 64

Don't let your logic get in the way of the usual stupidity in the comments section. "Parents should have to watch their kids!!" No fucking shit. The point of the law was to require parents to set these accounts up. Also why is it not understood yet that the awful content on social media sites is encouraged by the structure of the sites themselves? There's no safe way to engage with social media as a child, hell even as adults it's easy to get suckered in.

Comment Retards (Score 2) 181

What else can you call the people trying to enact these laws? On the one hand, the EU has imported hundreds of thousands of immigrants. On the other, they want farmers to ... produce less? The fuck? Do these idiots want to add food scarcity to the list of problems the EU bloc is already facing? How about they redirect efforts toward becoming truly independent from China, and producing goods which are greener and last more than half a year?

Comment Re: Nuclear Propulsion = Radiation Death Chamber (Score 0) 80

The Doctor is back! I've really missed your input over the years. Please don't mind the mods that marked you Troll - they've probably only ever moderated subreddits before coming here. Unfortunately I think you have your work cut out for you, as I am sure you already know. Most comment threads are filled with the same dozen or so bots training each other via endless political/climate related feuds. It sure is good to have you back with us, Bob!

Comment Re: You seriously think you can control desire? (Score 1) 95

I do, in fact, have a child. Not only do I have a child, but the exact opposite of what you're insinuating with involvement is true. My wife and I have nobody else in our immediate family nearby to do anything remotely related to giving us time off. I think the last time we went out by ourselves was at least 2 years ago. We are frequently the only couple who will show up with our child to birthday parties or other child related events. Everyone else usually ships the child with one parent while the other fucks off for a wank, or vidya games, or whatever. $300 is still mental to just throw at a child, and again, whhhy? I guess it's just how I was brought up, with parents who also worked their asses off to give me everything and all of their time. And, crucially, absolutely would not buy into any kind of fad and taught me to question everything. I had a child so that I could have a little best friend. I will have plenty of time to myself after they leave to pave their own way in life. Sorry for the shit parent line, by the way. It was uncalled for.

Comment Re: Only incels are so judgemental of parents (Score 1) 95

A mobile device that can send and receive calls and text, sure. But no, there'll absolutely not be any tiktok, insta, whatever else social media usage. I'm not really alone here, either - the parents of kids I know who work in tech, or any field related to computers/electronic communication etc. are all of the same frame of mind. It is hard to overstate how detrimental an effect social media use has on children. Fuck it, it's pretty much bad for absolutely everyone. This is our generation's equivalent of smoking; it needs to stop, and I don't care if my child ends up not being one of the cool kids.

Comment Re: Only incels are so judgemental of parents (Score 0) 95

No mate, you're just a shit parent. I don't let my kid anywhere near social media or youtube. Uninstalling the youtube app? What the fuck reason do you have to even give your child a fucking thousand dollar device in the first place? I see this stupidity in the parents of my child's friends; moaning about how it's hard to keep their child off social media blah blah. It's fucking not hard if they simply have no access or *desire* to use it in the first place. You know what works? Doing shit with your kid; going outside, activities, hobbies etc. Ah but I suppose I am just one of those idealists who never had kids. Oh well.

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