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Comment Re:Logically only God could have created.. (Score 1) 429

I haven't asked anyone to assume that god has the same attributes as the universe. The post to which I had originally responded did specify

.. there absolutely is a need for a beginning

I'm asking why this must necessarily be the case for god as it would seem to be for the universe? As you said, they do not necessarily possess the same attributes, so I'm unclear why almost any kind of assumption or axiom about one of them would necessarily hold true for the other.

Comment Re:Logically only God could have created.. (Score 1) 429

Certainly I can see the need for a beginning of the universe, but can you explain why is there a requirement that god, if any were to have existed, should also necessarily have had a beginning as well, unless you presuppose that God was somehow part of the universe in the first place (which from a creationist standpoint is going to sound as absurd as suggesting that a programmer is part of the programs that he or she creates).

Comment Re:Logically only God could have created.. (Score 1) 429

Apples and oranges.

If the universe came from nothing, then by definition it did not always exist.

However, the notion that God created it usually (but not always) suggests that God simply always was, and had no origin at all. I'm not sure that suggesting the universe never had an origin is a particular popular theory... but if you are going to argue that whatever characteristics supposedly hold for God could hold equally for the universe itself, then that's the conclusion you'll probably have to come to.

Of course, the notion that the universe came from nothing isn't even incompatible with the notion of creation in the first place, since if God were to simply speak our reality into existence, which is more or less how it is described in the book of Genesis, anything within that reality would not be able to define its origin relating to anything within it, and it objectively would most certainly appear to have come from nothing unless one actually did attribute it to God. This subscribes to the notion that God would then literally be a being that is either super-real, or surreal, as compared to reality... and going by that standard, it would be entirely consistent to suggest that God is not real while at the same time still acknowledging the existence of God on a level that exceeds the boundaries of reality itself.

Of course, none of this suggests that God actually exists.

My point remains though... one should not assume that properties of God can be equally considered properties of the universe, or vice versa.

Comment Re:Well it's official (Score 1) 264


Silica is not an element.

Silicon is.

And Silicon is not the most abundant element on earth, or in its crust. Oxygen is, comprising almost half of the earth's mass. Silicon is a runner up in second place at just under 30% of the earth's mass.

Of course, silica is made up of oxygen and silicon, and is easily the most common compound found within the earth's crust... but it's still not an element.

Comment Re:I have no problem with it being legal, per se.. (Score 1) 588

in the privacy of somebody's home anything he wants to do is a-ok as long as he does not force any other person to suffer it

As I said, however... the smell of marijuana does not seem to dissipate very quickly indoors, and I know there are people in my building that smoke it, from the occasional odors that waft through the hallways every so often. If it becomes legal here, my concern is that those who smoke it may use less care in keeping the smell from getting outside of their own unit, since there would be no further reason for them to try and be discrete about their practice, and the odor will linger outside their unit for much longer, possibly even getting into nearby units, since the unit doors are just plain old fire-resistant doors, and certainly not hermetically sealed.

Comment Re:Person-to-person telepathy is all well and good (Score 1) 110

The fastest typing speed ever recorded, according to Google, is 216 words per minute. Assuming that were really how fast you type, and you did actually type 10 times faster than you could think, then it takes you roughly three seconds to think of just a single word.

Really, if that were remotely true, you wouldn't even be able to read 216 words per minute, let alone type them.

For myself, I type between 50-60wpm, and I can read silently at more than 700 wpm, which I do not think is a wholly unreasonable benchmark of about how fast one can think in terms of language.

Comment Re:I have no problem with it being legal, per se.. (Score 1) 588

It's not that everyone will start doing it.... it's that those who already do it may do it more frequently, or certainly much more openly, since they would not have to pursue illegitimate channels to engage in the practice.

Honestly, if legalizing marijuana wouldn't affect how often other people might notice the smell of it because those that practice it would no longer have any need to at least try and keep their practices as hidden as possible, I'd have absolutely no problem with it at all.

Comment I have no problem with it being legal, per se... (Score 0) 588

.... but in all honesty, I really can't stand the smell of marijuana, and the smell of it seems to travel considerably further and persist for considerably longer than regular cigarettes (which I also can't stand, but .cigarette smoke smell doesn't seem to hang around for as long). It's not yet legal where I live, but I'm not looking forward to when it becomes so, because I already know that some of my neighbors in my building smoke this stuff occasionally because I smell it every once in a while as it is. If it becomes legal, I fear the stench will just start to pervade the whole freaking building.

Comment Re:This is news, how exactly? (Score 4, Informative) 187

EA should grow up and realise DRM is not harming sales; they are harming their customers.

It's interesting you should observe that, because in the end, It's the bottom line that allows game companies to pay their developers to continue to develop more titles, and what the actual customer experience is going to be is a direct reflection of how many titles they actually sold, not necessarily what people think of the experience afterward. Customer experience only impacts them to the extent that it might theoretically influence future purchases from such customers, but as you've observed, DRM isn't particularly harmful to sales in the first place, so any bad customer experience from it isn't actually giving such game companies sufficient disincentive to stop them from continuing to use it.

Comment If you ask me.... (Score 4, Insightful) 187

... the only reason that it's not been cracked yet may be because of apathy.... more specifically, it isn't popular enough yet, or possibly not good enough to have warranted the attention of enough crackers to have made a working crack by this point. This story being on a tech journal might increase awareness slightly in that regard, and could conceivably act as an impetus that causes a crack to appear sooner rather than later, but I wouldn't suggest that is a particularly probable outcome, only that it is well within the realm of possibility.

Comment Against it (Score 1) 613

Just get rid of the stupid thing. Unlike the high costs that are associated with changing when it is, which we got to witness only a few years ago, the costs of abandoning it entirely should be minimal. Even on any automated systems that are set to automatically adjust for DST when it happens, it would typically only involve disabling a setting that specifies that you want it to use DST in the first place.

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