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Comment Re: Restrictions (Score 1) 96

Engines, while loud, produce a monotonous sound are much easier ignored.

Individual voices in a otherwise already loud environment are also easy to ignore... unless you actively concentrate to hear what someone else is saying and pick out individual voices, you should be able to ignore them just as easily.

Comment Re:Read it and weep ... (Score 1) 335

by offering test drives, Tesla was acting as a dealer, Steier said

While that might ordinarily be the case, unless there is some law of statute which says that only dealers can offer test drives in Iowa, his conclusion is fallacious.

I don't live in Iowa, but I happen to have personally met someone a couple of months ago who owns a Tesla Model S which he offered to let my wife and I test drive that he had absolutely no intention of selling. He wasn't offering to sell the car, but he was definitely arranging test drives for it. Steier's conclusion is false.

Comment Re:Read it and weep ... (Score 1) 335

Except the two reasons that they gave for that, that Tesla isn't licensed as an auto dealer in Iowa and state law prohibits carmakers from selling directly to the public, have do not mention test drives at all.... so why would they cite test drives being illegal for reasons that have nothing to do with test driving?

Just because the law they are citing as a reason may happen to be an actual law on the books doesn't mean that it should somehow be applicable to things that the law does not mention.

Unless there is also an Iowa statute which dictates that only those that have legal permission to sell a vehicle can have any authorization to permit a test drive of the vehicle, any other laws that they cite as reasons that such test drives may be illegal are completely irrelevant. And if such a statute existed, it is a rather important one to have left out, since the entire case that it would be illegal for Tesla to arrange such test drives depends on that pivotal point... if it even exists.

Comment Re: Oh good (Score 1) 907

I would think that a bigger assumption would be assuming that it would stop the vehicle from self-restarting, considering they explicitly say that it will not stop the vehicle while it is being operated, and even with start-stop technology, where the engine has shut off while the vehicle is not moving, one is definitely operating a vehicle if they are holding their foot on the brake while the car is still in drive. Since this is an explicitly intended feature of such a vehicle, I consider that there is no reasonable basis beyond paranoia to suggest that it would be otherwise.

Comment Re:Oh good (Score 1) 907

It isn't that the dealer would ding you for paying cash, it is simply that your credit report would not reflect a long term loan which was serviced properly.

I get that... but that's more an issue of successful payments for it not actually helping your credit score more than it is that paying in cash is actually harmful to it. Ultimately, paying for something like a car in cash would not actually lower your credit score one iota below whatever it already otherwise was.

Comment Re:Someone's going to complain (Score 1) 208

I actually wasn't trying to be pedantic.... I genuinely did not see the point that was being made. If they imposed a debt above and beyond everything he owned, then yeah... I can see how that is "and then some", but when I read the sentence, I was quite thoroughly baffled as to how that could have been without them taking things from other people (presumably relatives or something).

Now if I *were* to be pedantic, I might have pointed out that since the uncle was in a position to be giving that advice in the first place, it is patently obvious that they did *NOT* take everything that he owned.... since he still had his own life, and the wisdom he acquired through the experience being discussed, arguing that both of these are certainly just as much things that he owns as any material possessions could be.

But I'm not trying to be pedantic, so while I've admittedly mentioned it here in passing, I don't intend to dispute the point.

Comment Re:Oh good (Score 1) 907

Then it would be more correct to say that not getting any loans never improves your credit score, which of course I can easily see would be much worse for your credit rating than if you had a loan and paid it off, but that's still not not because not getting a loan actually ever really hurt your credit score.

Comment Re:Oh good (Score 1) 907

The only downside to that is that it actually hurts your credit score to not have a car loan. Yes, it makes no fucking sense, but that's how credit works.

Mind explaining how that is remotely possible? Payinig in cash is anonymous... how would the credit company know whose credit score to ding?

Comment Re:Broadcast rights (Score 1) 109

Actually, permitting it would in no way be akin to 'essentially allowing companies outside of Canada to dictate what Canadian law is allowed to be'. Repeal of the law would simply mean that they trust their citizens enough to let them decide what to watch privately

Just because you happen to perceive what you imagine as the outcome as a beneficial thing does not mean that it does not amount to a foreign company that happens to have enough influence with Canadians essentially blackmailing Canada into changing their laws to more amenable to that company's business model.

For what it's worth, I happen to deeply value the Canadian content restrictions that exist here for broadcasters... we are almost overwhelmed with American culture as it is up here, the restrictions that exist help greatly to preserve what distinction we still have... and whether or not you believe that to be important, that distinction has always been valuable to Canada as a whole, or else that law would not be there in the first place.

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