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Comment Re:BitTorrent (Score 1) 536

They do. It is called Hulu.

My two complaints with hulu is:
1) Flash ..... ugg
2) They do not save the first couple eps of the first season of X show. If i'm interested in a new show I do not want to watch the current ep. I want to watch the first 4 eps then decide. I'm not going to buy a dvd box set for a show I've never seen before.

So yah BT ftw but Hulu is far better than nothing.

Comment RSS (Score 1) 536

My solution is a bit cheaper and arguably immoral.

What I do is setup an RSS feed to the TV shows I like and have them auto download. From there I watch everything on my TV/Computer/... all 720p and all drm free so I can do whatever I want with it. Also, most come in before the shows actually air here.

It isn't that I'm not paying for Cable TV, because I am. I'm paying for the shows I get. I just don't like the idea of not being able to do what I want to do with the content I'm paying for. Maybe one day cable cards will not be so restrictive and then I'll consider another alternative.

atm I'm quite happy using RSS to auto download everything I want.

Comment Reminds me of my HS days. (Score 1) 621

At the high school I went to we had a 3D animation class running xsi softimage. It was a fun class and I eventually became the TA. I then discovered that all of the computers in the entire school district had been wired using fiber underground. This wasn't 5000 computers, but still it was a good 800 or so unused. For our 3D class most computers would be set to render and they would stay on all night. The next morning (usually over the weekend) we would come back to see if our work was done.

I had the genius idea to install the headless xsi renderfarm backend software (can't remember the name of it) on all of the computer in the district. This way the rendering could be greatly accelerated over the school district. The problem is the education license of softimage is everything the full retail version has with a limitation on multi computer rendering. After I ran tests on the software for a week planning to streamline the software into every computer, the school got a call. The xsi people called letting us know of our license restrictions. Because of this, the plan never went through. However, I never would of in a million years have foreseen a consequence like being charged 1mil because of the pissy school district.

Sometimes in the IT world when you think outside the box and it does genuinely help it only comes back to bite you in the ass regardless. *sigh*

Comment Re:Oops (Score 1) 621

I could be wrong. I only speak from light personal experience but if you set the program to run at idle priority via windows (not inside the program) it really does not slow down the machine, even a single core machine. However, it will rarely run at 100% cpu either.

What one needs to do is set the program to bootup from a .bat file (or as a service) with /idle after the program path (if i remember correctly). This allows windows itself to set the program to the lowest priority. If you set the priority to low inside the program it hardly does anything at all.


Best PC DVR Software, For Any Platform? 536

jshamacher writes "I've used MythTV for several years (first on Slackware, now via Mythbuntu) and it's good. But not great — I have a list of annoyances as long as my arm. For example, even 0.22 still has problems playing many DVDs and I frequently have to fall back on Xine. Since upgrading to new hardware, I've had issues with sound dropping out; these problems only occur for Myth, not for anything else. So now I'm trying out alternatives. Freevo seemed promising when I tried it a few months ago but it had its own issues. I'm also increasingly getting pressure from my family to get things like NetFlix streaming working on this machine. This seems to imply migrating to a Windows-based solution. I threw XP on it and tried MediaPortal but could never get that to control my Motorola cable box via the IR blaster. So my questions to you: What DVR software do you use? Are you happy with it? What don't you like? Are there any packages out there that 'just work' as media hubs and for time-shifting cable TV?"

Intel Shows 48-Core x86 Processor 366

Vigile writes "Intel unveiled a completely new processor design today the company is dubbing the 'Single-chip Cloud Computer' (but was previously codenamed Bangalore). Justin Rattner, the company's CTO, discussed the new product at a press event in Santa Clara and revealed some interesting information about the goals and design of the new CPU. While terascale processing has been discussed for some time, this new CPU is the first to integrate full IA x86 cores rather than simple floating point units. The 48 cores are set 2 to a 'tile' and each tile communicates with others via a 2D mesh network capable of 256 GB/s rather than a large cache structure. "

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