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Comment Re:So who actually plays an NFL game? (Score 4, Interesting) 289

Much of the excitement in football (as in all sports) comes from watching humans with tremendous talent who spend a huge amount of time developing that talent. Like any other sport, strategy is important. But the strategy is partially built around the strengths and weaknesses of the actual humans who make up the team, as well as those of the members of the opposing team. I'm not a huge football fan, but I recognize the difference between multiplying a fairly arbitrary number representing "will" or "skill" by the random roll of a die and a team of people who are fatigued, injured, and withstanding adverse weather conditions, pushing themselves to the utmost limit not only for themselves, but for their team and the millions of people cheering them on towards victory.

Comment Re:Does it work ? (Score 4, Insightful) 186

When I'm designing a solution, I don't ask if it works, I was if it works well. Is it secure? Is it scalable? What are the risks associated with it? Is it full of kludges that make bad implementations easy? What do I do if a user decides she doesn't trust that functionality and turns it off? And the point of the article wasn't to say that people shouldn't use cookies when developing web site or applications. Rather, it's an examination of how a sub-optimal solution came to be so that perhaps other people can avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

Comment Re:About time! (Score 1) 70

That's not exactly true. While modern printer touchpads have helped out with the situation, push-button systems, generally speaking, aren't as efficient for creating a UI control systems for complex machines. Every time I use one it feels like a kludge, overextending the button interface. On the other hand, a rich widget toolkit (if you have a good UI designer) really can make the overall experience quicker and easier. Not to mention the fact that it would be fairly trivial to set up multiple levels of interfaces exposing on the necessary commands to different classes of users. I consider this more of an evolution of the current printer touch interface than a revolution in printing, but I at least like the concept (can't comment on the implementation since I haven't seen it).

Comment Re:Because... (Score 2, Insightful) 961

Or perhaps we shouldn't just rely on reciting a litany of facts in hope of winning an argument. Rather, engage in a debate using questions that guide the other person into applying their own logic to the dicussion so that they reach their own reasonably sound conclusion. Don't try to win an argument, let the other person win your argument for you.

Comment Re:I think ... (Score 1) 480

I think you're conflating a solitary nature with social ineptitude. It sounds like you do fine in social situations but prefer alone time. When I think of social ineptitude, I picture people who can't recognize social cues, respond appropriately to a social situation, lack of ability to help defuse a potentially volatile situation, etc. This is what can be a problem. Simply liking activities that are more solo or preferring large amounts of alone time aren't in the same category, in my opinion.

Comment Some possible design flaws (Score 1) 1713

1) While it's nice that it has a keyboard dock, it appears that the dock may only support the iPad in portrait mode (they placement of the connector on the long side of the iPad made it seem a bit precarious for putting in a docked mode).

2) Nothing said about mouse support. Seriously, if I'm going to be using it for any type of document creation (and they seem to think people will, as they're providing iWorks in the app store), I don't want to have to use the screen for copy and paste. Lack of mouse support would be a killer for me.

3) Main screen is nothing but icons to get into applications. With more screen real estate there should be support for widgets on the home screen (as I understand it, iPhones and iPod touches don't allow that--one must jailbreak a phone and do it manually).

I'm sure there are more, but those are some things that pop right out at me. As others have said, it really looks like the worst of both worlds. Not as portable as a smartphone, not as good at document creation as a netbook or notebook. eBooks, papers, and mags seem to be the only things to gain from this device.

Comment Doesn't work with Exchange for many people (Score 1) 189

It depends on how the Exchange server is set up. For industries that demand security, such as healthcare, Exchange servers tend to require that mobile devices support things like encryption and remote wipe. In order for the device to connect, it has to tell the server that it supports any of these capabilities required by the server. Android's default email client doesn't. The Touchdown app does report capabilities back, but it's basically fudging the truth in order to connect (that's my understanding, anyway). Some admins have glommed on to this trick and are refusing to let Android devices connect at all.

So no, Android isn't ready for the enterprise. I have the HTC Eris and love it. I work at a research/teaching hospital, though, and probably wouldn't be able to use it for work. That's fine by me, but anyone who got the phone in order to keep up with work is going to be quite disappointed.

Comment Re:Skepticism may be warranted, here. (Score 3, Informative) 105

There are many different forms of PKC, including PKC delta, the one that seems to be in question here according to recent publications from this lab. Specifically, a caspase enzyme is cleaving PKC delta into a smaller protein, and it's this cleaved version that appears to be causing the damage to the dopamine neurons in the nigra. Caspases mediate programmed cell death, and the compound in the paper I looked at blocks a certain caspase that was activated by the presence of certain metals.

So while PKC and caspases are found widely throughout the body, there's actually a fair degree of specificity in the current model. Of course it's still early, and there are things to worry about, such as a possible increased likelihood for cancer (caspase 3 may be involved in breast cancer). But if this particular interaction between capase 3 and PKC delta can be successfully blocked without harm to other systems, we may have a good treatment on our hands.

Comment Re:Oh FSM more extensions (Score 1) 165

I think extensions for office suites make quite a bit of sense, actually. If you're deploying in an enterprise, extensions can make it much easier to integrate the suite with current applications and workflow. Say you've got some kind of accounting or auditing system that you want your spreadsheet to interface with. With KOffice you now have a couple of options, scripting or writing an extension. The better solution depends on the particular case, of course, but that kind of customization makes an office suite much more appealing. And there are many niches, such as integrating a word processor with a citation manager, that don't belong at all in the core product.

Comment Re:Like Gil "The Arm" (Score 4, Interesting) 165

I'd guess no. I believe it was V.S. Ramachandran who demonstrated that he could fool the brain into getting rid of phantom limb pain by using mirrors so that the visual system interpreted the remaining limb as being the missing limb (which leads into questions about blind people and phantom limbs, for which I don't have the answer and am too lazy to look it up). If one had an appendage that looked like an arm doing the things the brain was commanding the arm to do(and possibly requiring some tactile feedback as well), the brain would probably just interpret that appendage as the missing limb instead of creating a representation as a 3d arm.

Or I could be totally wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

Comment Re:Isn't it interesting... (Score 1) 128

This is a squarely consumer product from a small company with limited developer resources. According to Net Applications, Windows and Mac make up a bit over 98% of the consumer OS base. While people may disagree over methodology, these are the two major platforms used by Eye-Fi's target demo. Expending resources on Linux support probably doesn't make financial sense for them.

I primarily use Linux, and I love it, but it's not Eye-Fi's responsibility to make Linux more appealing by having applications available for the platform.

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