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Comment Re:Tinfoil hat wearing crowd said this was man-mad (Score 1) 249

...$100M for a great war weapon. But the flu isn't a great war weapon because it's too unpredictable ...

Now you have evoked a straw man by your presumption of motive. Maybe there are other reasons to create a virus ...? Do you know about the population reduction agenda?

Comment Re:Tinfoil hat wearing crowd said this was man-mad (Score 1) 249

Many accusations of "conspiracy nuttery" are married with the accusation of "no evidence". Sometimes, however, what the accuser fails to recognise is that the "theorist" is not actually a nut; there is evidence! The accuser is simply unaware of it. You need evidence for your theory of non-evidence, hypocrite.

Comment Re:Tinfoil hat wearing crowd said this was man-mad (Score 1) 249

Where the train goes off the rails is where a conspiracy theory requires that massive numbers of people are keeping their mouths shut about some grand plan that they're a small part of. That can be done for a short time, but eventually every secret that has more than about 3 people in on it comes out.

This is exactly the attitude that stops conspiracy theories from "getting out". People subconsciously use this argument to dismiss a theory, when told. The reason the the theory doesn't get out is that no one believes it when they are told. Evey time I try to tell people that the sodium fluoride (rat poison) in our water supply is NOT good for us, they think I'm a conspiracy nut. Even though there is overwhelming evidence for this on the internet.

So no, people aren't "keeping their mouth shut". It's just that no one believes them. People believe the television instead.

Comment Re:Tinfoil hat wearing crowd said this was man-mad (Score 2, Insightful) 249

get over you're "logical fallacy". it's not about that. What he means is that once you have an insight about the nature of the industry, it becomes allot easier to believe that this was engineered. No, it doesn't prove it, but what people on the other side are doing is saying "gee, man made? that's so UN-believable that it can't be true." There's a logical fallacy to consider.

The difference between the two sides is that one side has experienced or read allot about the evils of the industry and the other hasn't. Consider the perspectives of each when they hear about the swine flu being man made.

I think the GP expressed this more elegantly, but I just had to spell it out.

Comment Re:Tinfoil hat wearing crowd said this was man-mad (Score 1) 249

Ever try Google? Search: "corruption pharmaceuticals industry"

This is a billion dollar industry whose only interest is to push as many drugs on us a possible for profit. They have no intention, or financial incentive, to cure anyone, but to treat symptoms and keep us sick and still "needing" their drug relief. They suppress alternative therapies that they can't market and in some cases go out of their way to make us sicker so that we spend more on drugs.

This information is easy to find on the net. Not just as "conspiracy theories", but as documented cases of corruption that make their intentions so obvious that you don't even really need a theory to understand what's happening.

Of course, if you watch allot of television, then it will seem that drugs are a necessary part of health and that these drug companies a great benefit to mankind

Remember: A patient cured is a customer lost

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