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Comment Re:Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice (Score 1) 1376

Read the article before saying ridiculous things. I quote: "Put simply, the religious lobby is not behind the move to criminalise blasphemy." This is not religious people doing anything.

they [religionists] go and pass laws like this. They'd do it in America too, have done it in the past, if not for that pesky First Amendment and the strident efforts of "militant" atheists and civil rights organizations.

Comment Re:Web Application Kits (Score 1) 192

And how well would web apps have worked with the iPod Touch outside of Wi-Fi coverage?

Obviously you need to be connected to Wi-Fi to install an application REGARDLESS of the whether it is a native app or a web based app. You can make you web app run off-line thanks to the HTML5 offline application support implemented in MobileSafari. So this is a non-issue.

Comment Write a web application (Score 3, Interesting) 192

I'm working on a GWT framework for the iphone that will allow you to write a web application that looks and behaves just look a native application. A web app can get surprisingly close to being indistinguishable for native thanks to a few features in MobileSafari like:

1) Offline application support
2) Hardware-accelerated animations
3) Chrome-less UI
4) Custom application icon

Since it is a web app you avoid the stranglehold of the app store and the LONG processing time of applications (I know, I have applied and been accepted). You also get the freedom to update your app immediately at any time without needing apple's approval.

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