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Comment Re:Who cares anymore? (Score 1) 129

I do, because I enjoy playing my games at 1920x1080 on high graphics settings with a decent frame rate. I think playing at low res on a crappy monitor degrades enjoyment of the game. I have a few friends that don't mind playing at 1024x768, and a couple more that still try to play the latest games with onboard video ("I can run Crysis if I set everything to low right?"), but that's more because they're cheap than because they don't care about high performance. That isn't to say I would go out and buy a $500 graphics card to get a few more fps, even a $200 card is pushing it.

Comment Trust Meaning ...? (Score 1) 155

Do I trust Google, MS, Apple to tell me the truth any more that I trust CNN, Fox, etc, to? Absolutely not. On the other hand, I expect corporate spin from the former, but I have a right to expect ZERO spin from the latter. For me it's a difference in expectations. I expect a journalist to be fair and impartial. It rarely happens, but that is the way it should be. I expect a tech company to be fair and partial to its customers, but still do whatever it takes to sell their product.

Comment Re:UI Lag (Score 1) 261

I'm terrible with opening too many tabs. I have a habit of opening 50 or 60 and then exiting the browser (but saving my session). The next time I'll open 50 or 60 more. I remember one time closing the browser and intentionally not saving my existing tabs, Firefox warned me that i would be losing 450 some tabs if I did so. I never had any performance issues unless I have a flash window that's acting up. Chrome on the other hand starts eating up my memory with only 50 or 60 tabs.

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