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Comment Re:Bear was the least secure company. EVAR! (Score 1) 75

Nearly every large corporation over 20 years old is in the same situation. XP, IE6, some old java. Local admin rights. Some CPU sapping virus scanner program firing off at 5:30pm rendering the user PC useless. Frustrated users leave for home instead of continuing work. Activated network ports are not tied to a specific MAC, so any netbook, laptop, etc can be plugged in (and thus snoop).

Security requires a price in time and effort, and there are always compromises in order to get work accomplished.

Comment Re:The comment may also be complex.. (Score 1) 660

And while you're spending your time figuring out why something that isn't broken works, he is coding something that you aren't coding at all. Sure, coding until it passes isn't the ideal, but it's a whole lot better than not coding at all (you).

Perhaps, but there's a thing called "homework" that one can never escape. Things not well understood which require more time to figure out than is available in the regular workday are going to demand extra effort during off-hours. Anyone that retorts with an excuse of "I don't have time to..." is going to eventually be replaced by someone that will. Being one of the older programmers in our dept, I've witnessed too many over-40 folks who disengage from learning and personal development. Those not driven to understand the how and why of their work might be in the wrong profession.

We should all strive to have the highest integrity, be productive, be detail oriented, and to be continually learning. What employer wouldn't want their building full of employees like that?

Comment Re:Maybe the 15 year old is a momma's boy (Score 1) 404

I have two rottweilers. They are spoilt rotten sweet couch potatoes. If a thief broke into our house they would LICK him to death. They've been brought up with a lot of love and they don't have a clue what aggression is. But despite that they are OMG ROTTWEILERS TAKE THESE MURDERER DOGS AWAY FROM ME!

All animals have certain instincts that are triggered by a situation. I would not want to be the person that your dogs perceived to be attacking you. Agreed that rottweilers are great animals, but don't be surprised by their very strong instinct to defend.

Comment Re:Openness to ideas and creativity (Score 1) 808

Prideful people are just not pleasant to be around. Whether it's boasting of their IQ, money, etc.; it's clearly a matter of them trying to elevate themselves above others. It's much more enjoyable to be around confident yet humble individuals. My belief is that (looking beyond the shallow physical level here...) everyone is gifted with some beneficial characteristic that most others do not possess. Those that zero in on and utilize that ability for the betterment of themselves and others tend to lead a very satisfied life (and are well liked by others).

Comment I was not money wise. Please help me Obi-Wan. (Score 1) 1259

Unaffordable student loan. Unaffordable mortgage. There's no difference. There are kids that work and save money as much as possible before college, and work their tails off while in college. Where's their reward for responsible planning and being frugal? It's a simple concept: If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Those that take the high risk route or don't plan effectively should not be bailed out when things come crashing down. Call me a hardass, but I'm having a difficult time getting a tear in my eye to form.

Comment Re:So essentially they want people to pay (Score 1) 463

Yeah it is pretty stupid to make Apple, Amazon, or other e-tailers pay for the 30 second samples used to promote songs. Oftentimes I have looked at an artist and thought, "I have no idea who this is," but once I heard the 30-second sample I recognized the song and bought the CD.

Exactly. Just this last week I was searching on iTunes for a song called Primavera. The search results included Mariza singing a song called Primavera. It wasn't the one I was after, and I had never heard of Mariza before. However, I absolutely loved her voice on that song and bought the album. Can't understand a word of Portuguese, but I still love the music. Like everyone else, I have spent hours searching and listening to 30 second clips of music on iTunes. I've got a folder on my desktop titled "Albums to Buy" that have many links to iTunes pages with plans to buy the real physical CD's (I like to actually have the CD if possible). None of those would be there without the 30 second clips.

So if the RIAA wants to do this, fine. It will push them further into obscurity in this digital age.

Everyone deserves paid for the REAL work they do, and since the Internet has connected artists more directly to their fans... let the artist collect >=50% of the money for song. If the middleman provides real value then pay them. If not, cut them out. I'm just completely fed up with the movie, music, and clothing industries pushing what THEY think should be popular.

I feel so much better now with that all off my chest.

Comment Re:Italian politics (Score 1) 91

Government should be by the people and for the people. Granted that is an ideal, but it should always be the goal. Citizens who cease striving to rid government of corruption and just put up with it are selling themselves short. They deserve better. Citizens of Illinois and Italy have put up with corruption for way too long. Economic downturns have a way of helping people grow weary of corruption and dealing with it.

Comment Re:I don't know, but... (Score 3, Insightful) 494

Amen. Preach it! I also don't participate in the 'leetspeak'. I backspace to correct spellings as I notice them and attempt to use full length words with correct grammar. If one can type even a reasonable speed, it takes very little extra effort. (At the same time it can also indicate to others you probably don't have baggy pants showing your underwear, untied sneakers, spray can in one hand, and your hat on backwards.) It's just my personal preference, and messages that use good grammar tend to get a mental +1 from me. Your messages (email, IM, IRC, etc) are the "visual" by which others perceive you, so it can only be a help to yourself to always put the best foot forward.

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