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Comment Re:I was actually disappointed by this. (Score 1) 193

I did it with nested loops in ColdFusion. There are 33 "w" lengths and 48 "e" lengths. 11 "n" and 19 "s". Had to limit the outer loop because my server would time out, but with a bit of grinding I was able to generate a list of all the tiles.

<cfloop from="19" to="20" index="y">
<cfloop from="1" to="33" index="x">

<cfset testUrl="">

<cfhttp method="head" url="#testUrl#"
resolveurl="no" throwonerror="no" />

<!--- Check if no status code or status code 404 --->
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cfhttp.responseheader.status_code")
OR cfhttp.responseheader.status_code EQ "404">
<cfset result=false>
<cfoutput><a href="#testUrl#">#testUrl#</a></cfoutput><br />

Comment Re:write a new story? (Score 5, Insightful) 396

You really have to admire Marvel for how well they've handled their movie franchises the past decade, especially the Avengers arc. It's hard not to be in awe of what transpired to bring The Avengers to fruition. They made smart choices which eventually paid off handsomely. DC, outside the Nolan films, has botched everything. Warner Bros. just doesn't trust creative people to handle the material.

Comment Worth the risk (Score 1) 270

I threw my $99 behind the project. Hopefully it turns out to be a fun system. That's a hell of a lot less than I paid for either my phone or my Playstation3. I don't expect to be playing Uncharted on the thing at that price... I just expect to play something comparable to what I have on my phone. My kids play iPod games for hours on end, so this console will see use one way or the other.

Comment Re:Should Have Stopped at Productivity (Score 0) 969

Benefits ARE the big fail in your argument. Most people are compensated roughly 70% salary, 30% benefits. You're ignoring a huge chunk of money required to hire that extra person. And it's a chunk set to get significantly larger under Obamacare (assuming employers simply don't dump all their employees into Medicaid and pay the penalty). There's little wonder why employers are waiting to hire.

Comment If Sci-Fi films were good enough, they would win (Score 5, Insightful) 309

No need for a new category... the notion itself is ridiculous. Are Sci-Fi geeks really pining so badly for an Oscar for one of "their" films? Do they need that validation? I don't. I'm just happy to see a good film from time to time. Hell - be happy we're going to see Avengers, Dark Knight, and Prometheus this year. I'm a hell of a lot more excited about that than I am the prospect of someone getting a little gold man.

If someone ever creates a Sci-Fi film that deserves an Oscar more than all the other films that year, it'll win one. Win because of quality, not because the suits created a little sub-award to placate you.

PS: Avatar didn't deserve a nomination, much less the award. I think that was a gesture for making a couple billion dollars while hitting all the correct political points.

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