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Comment Re:static typing is awesome (Score 1) 230

Then I tried Haskell and my mind was duly blown. Now I'm a huge proponent of static typing, even if I still can't stand Java and avoid C++ unless necessary.

While I have mixed feelings about Haskell as a whole, it's got the best damned type system I've ever seen. My advice to designers of new languages is just copy Haskell's type system.

Comment Re:ZOMG a bad thing didn't happen! (Score 2) 202

Old and Modern cars will be unaffected by a CME.

Shhh. You'll ruin the fun - it makes a great urban legend. However, even survivalists don't think it will be a problem (that link also has links to serious studies).

However, if the CME trashes the power grid (a likely effect) you'll have a problem pumping gas for the car because the gas station pumps are electric. I experienced that problem first hand after Hurricane Sandy. IIRC there was talk of a law requiring at least some gas stations to have backup generators, but I don't know what happened to it. You could also just get a hand pump or something, but it'll be slow. There may also be problems with the rest of the delivery network (a problem after Sandy was that some of the fuel barge docks were trashed), and I don't think a loss of the power grid would help refineries, pipelines (they need pumping stations) or possibly even wells very much.

Comment Re:Re the winter 'misery' (Score 3, Funny) 60

Talking about the weather is something new?

Hey, remember the Great Blizzard of '88? (1888 - but that was a Northeast thing. I'm sure there are plenty of good Midwestern stories though). Now we have computers, so we can more easily analyze it in excruciating statistical detail, complete with color charts. You obviously don't appreciate all the wonderful improvements that computers have made in our lives.

Comment Re:Higher SAT scores, etc (Score 1) 529

There is a wonderful saying, though unfortunately I forget the original Yiddish (things always sound pithier in Yiddish, even if you don't speak it). Anyway, the gist of it is that brains to the lazy are a waste.

I'm glad you understand that. There are too many people here who seem to base their fragile egos on their supposedly superior intellect, but play the victim instead of taking responsibility for their own actions (or lack thereof). Given that lack of initiative people, no matter how bright they are, will never accomplish much. Even Einstein had to work his ass off - his theories didn't just fall out of the sky.

Ironically these are often the same people who decry the (exaggerated) trend of education towards giving everybody "self esteem" instead of challenging them. Apparently that's a bad thing for the "masses", but the way superior intellects should be treated.

Comment Re:Higher SAT scores, etc (Score 1) 529

Those of us who read fiction (instead of how-to books) out of boredom, and who didn't get pointed in a more useful direction by teachers (or worse, got in trouble for not paying attention to the "new" material that we'd figured out 3 years earlier), didn't have the same outcome.

So? With that attitude and victim mentality, I doubt you would have accomplished much more anyway.

Comment Re:Higher SAT scores, etc (Score 1) 529

When I was in grade school in a rural area, we did get the bookmobile coming by every other week for a couple hours.

I remember bookmobiles. I also remember you could order books they didn't normally carry and they would bring them the next time they came. If you really need something fancy, there is the Inter-library Loan program. If your local library didn't let you do those things, it's not my fault that you had a lousy library. That's a local government function, and should be addressed by the people living there. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than providing special classes to coddle everybody who thinks they're so terribly bright, and whose parents choose to live in the ass end of nowhere.

Comment Re:Boat Anchor on Society (Score 1) 529

Oh, you're bright, well, you should do fine no matter what; ergo we need to assign 3-teachers per kid to those less advantaged than you. so that they can grow up to live in a group-home and run the fryer at the fast-food joint

That sounds about right, because if you're so bright, you shouldn't need a lot of handholding. If you do, then you're not that bright. Or you're whining because you weren't coddled and stroked and constantly told how smart and special you were because you managed to pass a few AP classes.

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