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Comment Productivus interruptus (Score 1) 520

Have you ever seen devs get anything done sitting around a table? We call those a waste of time, aka meetings where I come frome. In my experience having worked 20 years as a software developer, having experienced private office, home office, cubeville, bullpens, and all manner of craziness... the idea of having four devs around a single table is really just upper management saying "how cheap can we be on accomodations?" or "I'm paranoid as hell and think my devs are not productive because they are playing games and surfing pr0n so I want to watch them." Not all people are able to concentrate on tasks with a lot of racket and distractions around them, that takes a special breed. I took a job with a former submarine commander at his company and he loved working right in the midst of a ridiculously loud customer service bullpen, and tried to get me to work in that. It was his expectation. I tried for a week or two to figure out how to manage, but I couldn't stand it and walked. What a waste of time. Bar none, private offices are superior. Second to that, working from home. Third... high wall cubes. Last and in my opinion the least thoughtful is a bullpen where everything is open air, its very noise, and very distracting. Having devs sitting around a table? Even worse. I like my privacy, and need to be able to tune out.

Comment Re:App Stores Dept. of Corrections? (Score 3, Interesting) 241

What market do you live in? I couldn't even use 3G in the San Francisco Bay Area and I sure can't use it in Phoenix. It drops calls like mad! Naturally I only discovered how utterly congested the network was until AFTER I'd shelled out $249.99 for my iPhone 3G. Advertisers won that round.

Comment OSS means competitive advantage and better talent (Score 1) 393

Oracle's bread and butter is data storage management, consulting, and services. Small fry (independent developers, small businesses) cannot afford these services. Medium to Big business and government agencies cannot afford NOT to have these services. Open source solutions provide a way for small businesses to grow into big businesses. I can also envision an argument centered around limiting revenue to competitors as a result of maintaining state of the art OSS...In effect it could be thought of as an anti-competitive strategy. It would therefore be in Oracle's best long term interest to maintain OSS products and provide a gateway to their own services in a structured manner which includes support. Secondly, the talent pool available to tech companies is kept consistently high and is of excellent quality due to the availability of OSS. Before the rise of OSS it was common to reverse engineer applications from native code (anyone remember coding in assembly?) and as a result there were fewer programmers with state of the art knowledge. There are numerous arguments possible here.

Comment Road to hell paved with good intentions (Score 1) 201

This is akin to slapping a Honda motor into a Chrysler body with Toyota ignition and response electronics. I fear for the child and the descendants of this process. They are a guinea pig. As long as genetically the individuals are very closely related I could see this working relatively well... and a healthy child being the result... but this type of effort is misguided and frankly selfish. There is a reason people cannot have children, and its part of the selection process. There are aspects of recombination and expression which are essentially unknown or very poorly understood at best. This is foolish.

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