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Comment Re:no, No, NO!!! (Score 1) 193

From what I remember studies have shown that chiropractic "medicine" only helps lower back pain as well as traditional medicine. Even then, it only matches the effectiveness of traditional medicine. For all other issues, including upper back pain, chiropracty (is that a word?) has been shown to be less effective than traditional medicine. Due to that I really don't see much point in it existing as a practice but people think it helps so I guess that's the reason it's around.

Comment Re:My hobby (Score 1) 74

IIRC, Google does NOT use the bounce rate and has explicitly said so. Bounce rate is too noisy to get a sense of whether or not a site is legitimate. Sites like Stack Exchange should have a high bounce rate while sites like Amazon should have a low bounce rate. Both are examples of high quality websites that should rank highly.

Comment Re:This will never end (Score 1) 69

Using keepass with a master password as the dog's name is FAR preferable to using the same password for all accounts. Someone cracking, or even targeting, keepass or her personally are practically nil. The chances are so small that I'd say it doesn't really matter what your keepass password is. Sure, ideally it's strong but if not, oh well.

Comment Re:Nothing to surprising (Score 1) 1271

Very true but I think monopolies form in the first place due to a lack of education on the consumer side (generally). With perfect knowledge, etc... competitors could more easily pop up even to monopolies. Since this is reality and not theory things just don't work out that way for MANY reasons.

Comment Re:Nothing to surprising (Score 1) 1271

My point was that to have a perfect free market it IS necessary for ALL consumer to be educated about ALL products. As we both stated, that's obviously impossible so mistakes are to be expected. I certainly don't think communism is the right approach and I don't think pure capitalism is either. The best answer lies somewhere in between due to the shortcomings of people. I don't know where the ideal approach lies on the continuum and it probably changes from one society to the next. I personally think something closer to capitalism works much better than those close to communism in practice.

Comment Re:Nothing to surprising (Score 5, Interesting) 1271

I agree with this and will add a bit. The failing of capitalism is not in accounting for greed. For capitalism to work you need an educated consumer base. This is where capitalism fails in reality. Marketers intentionally deceive consumers which wouldn't be a problem with an educated consumer base (they would be able to catch the deception). The problem is that it's literally impossible to be educated about all products on the market so you simply can't have the educated consumer base necessary for free markets to operate as theories would indicate.

Comment Re:15 minutes or it's free! (Score 1) 214

I can believe it. When I was a kid my dad, sister, and I got in an accident with a Domino's delivery guy that ran a red light. We never saw him coming because he was traveling down a 3 lane road and was in the middle between two semis.Luckily nobody was hurt but it easily could have been much worse.

Comment Re:NO we can't (Score 1) 292

Yup, I got the joke initially, just felt the need to respond. My point was actually that the studies show that (statistically) they are only effective at treating LOWER back pain. Neck pain, upper back, shoulder pain, etc... they are less effective than traditional medicine. So even for most problems chiropractors are associated with they're not very effective.

Unrelated, but where do you train jiu-jitsu (and which style)? I picked up BJJ about 4 months ago and have been loving it so far.

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