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Comment Not all labor is equal (Score 4, Insightful) 414

At $22k for a 3 year life, assuming 24x7, it labors for $0.84/hour with no outages. The other video had $3/hour. Add that you can save on transportation costs, customs, etc and its a no brainier that manufacturing will become "local".

As far as job creation, i can only see it create technician jobs to repair the machines. What this will not do is create the manufacturing jobs themselves. The age of low skill labor is over, those jobs are lost. That segment of the US population (poor, undereducated, entry level) will continue to be unemployed. It will also create Chinese unemployment.

Comment Re:And? (Score 3, Informative) 183

I think you forgot that the Democrats have controlled the Senate from Jan 2007-Present, and the House from Jan 2007-2010. They were in control of the committees and budgets during the financial collapse of 2008, and steered all of the "bailout" money. Technically everything leading up, causing, and continuing the recession was approved by the Democrats.

But, the public is apparently ok with all of the spending. They voted for it, and re-elected the same people, so what can you do.

Comment Re:News for nerds (Score 4, Interesting) 183

If we add that A123 is the sole provider of batteries for the Fisker Karma, would you start to care? That A123 is a provider of MW-scale batteries to AES Corp, for use in windfarm smoothing and grid services?

I would have preferred that the government not gotten in the business of payouts to its campaign contributors, but elections have consequences. Usually corrupt consequences, but what can you do.

Comment Join the dark side, we have cookies (Score 4, Informative) 245

... that votes are somehow being recorded twice and sometimes three times for certain voters in the voter history report

To me, this sounds like someone's join isn't all that unique. Let's say you have two voters, Joe Smith, at two different addresses, that both voted. If you join a registration list with a vote list, on first and last name and not address, you actually end up with 4 combinations instead of 2, for twice the votes. Other things to check are overlapping effective/terminate date ranges, and compound primary key fields. Rookie mistakes, but big consequences.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 433

In 1980-1981, a year of Tuition at MIT cost ~$7,400 before scholarship, a year over year increase of 17%. [$70 million in tuition & fees / 9,365 students]

And the fiscal year ended in a pall of gloom, as severe cuts in financial aid programs seem inevitable for the coming years. Never has our growing dependence upon Federal aid been felt so keenly, as the prospects of its withdrawal grow upon us.

In 1988-1989, a year of Tuition at MIT cost $13,400 before scholarships, a year over year increase of 8.2%.

In 2000-2001, a year of Tuition at MIT cost $31,900 before scholarships.

In 2011-2012, a year of Tuition at MIT cost $40,732 before scholarships.

In 2012-2013, a year of Tuition & Fees at MIT will cost $42,050 before scholarships, a year over year increase of 3.25 %.

Comment Re:Student loans led to the education bubble (Score 5, Insightful) 834

Didn't we just cover this a couple of days ago? Colleges don't face a risk of default; the loans are provided by banks and are underwritten by the federal government. Because 90% of the risk is mitigated by the gov, the colleges can raise tuition and the banks don't balk. A small % of students get in over their heads and default but that is baked into the interest rate, which used to be variable until congress messed with it in 2005. Like housing, the scheme breaks down when normal graduates can't pay the bills... Because there's no jobs.

Comment Friend-face (Score 5, Insightful) 370

Somehow Facebook is too big to fail, but MySpace can flitter off into the night without people caring? When we finally approach the end of the natural life of Facebook, people will transition into whatever the next big social media gathering site will be, little by little until Site A is empty and Site B is the new hot stuff. It's not going to happen overnight, no "rush to the exit", and definitely no need to legislate a "fix".

Comment Re:Is Titanic the 3D breakthrough? (Score 2) 289

I'm pretty sure that the interest in reviving the Titanic movie has more to do with the 100th anniversary of the original sinking of the Titanic on April 15th, 1912. It's like free advertising for everything Titanic-related. And, if there's any movie that squeezed more money from the public the first release, I can't think of it.

Comment Re:Of course the rich should give to charity (Score 2, Insightful) 326

> In an era where the rich are able to get by paying so few taxes in the U.S., ...

What, as opposed to the 47% of citizens that now net zero federal taxes at all? That the top 1% already pays 40% of the national tax burden? I'm not in either group, but even I can see that's not exactly "fair"...


A Rant Against Splash Screens 477

An anonymous reader writes "This controversial post by Adobe's Kas Thomas asks if splash screens are just a sign of program bloat and callous disregard for users. It suggests that big programs should launch instantly (or appear to), perhaps by running against an instance in the cloud while the local instance finishes loading. Users of cell phones and tablets are accustomed to apps being instantly available. This is the new standard for performance, the author argues. Nothing short of it will do, any more."

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