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Comment Re:Yet Another Format War on the Way... (Score 2, Insightful) 260

He never said the Sony Spec was to be the one to rule them all, but rather he suggested they all work together to make the next spec to avoid a format war.

I would like to append something to that request, set all the features in stone, so consumers wont have to worry about firmware upgrades or hardware upgrades every time someone says hey wouldn't it be cool if... and then puts it into production. Sure the PS3 can keep up with the evolving blu-ray specs but not every device can.

Comment Re:IE is still well over 50 percent (Score 1) 510

Users will switch to other browsers if the use case is compelling enough. If enough innovative applications are developed that don't run in I.E., particularly applications with good business use cases, than the numbers will fall even further.

Most users don't care what browser they use if they go to a site design for firefox while using internet explorer guess what they think? "oh this site is garbage". It never crosses their mind to change browsers. Users want it to work, the developer is suppose to support the user, it is not the user that need to conform to the developer.

The critical fact here is that FF/Chrome/Safari are starting to have enough combined market share to make the development of such applications an economically viable thing to do. It's entirely possible that this has already tipped against I.E.'s favor. Flash and Internet Explorer are strange bedfellows

See the problem with this statement is that although combined they have a reasonable market share they are still different enough, for example in key handling in JavaScript is different enough between chrome and firefox. Focusing on anyone platform exclusively and assuming it would work on all 3 of the ones listed would create problems for the users, and since you already need handling code to differentiate these browsers why not include some for internet explorer.

The dream world case here might not be flash, but at least something that works the same across all platforms and browsers without causing the users to figure out that they are using the wrong browser and without the developer left trying to figure out which browsers act in which way.

Comment Re:Well done Sony (Score 1) 270

Well now the trend to fight game resale and game trading is to include Day Zero DLC which you get a one time use code when you buy a game new. I am perfectly OK with that as long as the DLC is nothing that will prevent me from experiencing the full story, if i really want the DLC I will buy new if not I can buy used.

I would imagine if they start making us register every game and preventing us from reselling the games there will be some kind of legal outcry, not just from consumers but also from retailers whose business is the resale of used games, and game rental places. I doubt they will get away with it for long.

Comment Re:Application Data; HTPC gaming (Score 0) 270

Any PC game that doesn't put saved games within in %appdata%\(publisher)\(title) or %userprofile%\My Documents is not following the Windows file system hierarchy standard and thus is not a conforming Windows application.

Just because everyone says that is where they should be saved does not mean that is where they will be saved, right now in my "My Documents" is has a folder for bioshock, ea games has it own folder, bioware has it own folder, all in My documents... there is also a save games folder built into windows that is current;y empty, Diablo 2 saves its local saves in the games folder itself. I don't remember the game but i have seen one saved on the root of the file system.

Your right they should all be in the app data folder, but is the my document folder really appropriate for save games, it just makes "my documents" a mess considering vista & 7 already have a saved games folder

You are right never is a strong word, and I thought about it as soon as I hit the submit button, I know there are some good single screen multi-player games for pc, My friends all still love playing Worms Armageddon together.

I do believe both PC and console gaming is good (for everything there is a season), I was just wanted to point out the flaw in saying a console is a crippled computer because technically with the same data one could argue a PC is a crippled game console.

Comment Re:Well done Sony (Score 0) 270

It is a crippled computer yes but it is also beneficial for gaming in many ways. For instance the save file handling is set up in such away to be convenient to the user, anyone who played PC games might notice that there is no standard location for save files, different folder locations for different companies, and in some cases different file locations for save games from the save company. Moving all your save files from one computer to another can be difficult and you can never be sure if you got everything.

Also aside from HTPC's how many of you have a PC in the living room, people generally want to sit on a couch to play games. Also with couch gaming you can get single screen multi-player a feature which is never implemented on PC's.

The final point, is that you can trade games among your friends without having to worry about CD-Keys and DRM preventing game trading.

Crippled for your convenience. Sure they might be computers and although Turing (and you) might disagree not all machines need to do all functions.

Comment Re:Unreasonable? (Score 0) 388

yeah it is unreasonable to expect Microsoft to patch other people's software.

On the other hand I don't think it is too unreasonable to have api's so other software can add their software to Windows Update and point the update servers to their personal servers for updates on the said software. It will cut down the number of background applications that only exists to update Adobe, Apple, and Google programs (to name a few big ones).

Comment Re:Nothing new (Score 0) 1343

2) The education system in Ontario (the province Waterloo resides in) doesn't teach grammer. I don't recall ever doing any sort of grammer drills in elementary school. Grammer is a set of rules, if you don't know them, then you can't apply them

I agree, in Newfoundland they never taught or practiced the grammar rules, it is something we were supposed to pick up by example but most never did. On the other hand I did learn the required grammar rules from the 'mandatory*' French courses which was taught by a teacher that knew none of us knew English grammar rules so he sort of did a double job and rolled it all into one, but that was not part of the require curriculum

*I use the term mandatory in the looses sense of the word, it is easy to find an excuse not to take them.

Comment Re:Just out of curiousity... (Score 0) 1343

Little know fact it is the 'eh' can be a greeting,an interjection and a punctuation.
In the case you described that ? is actually redundant because at the end of a sentence the 'eh' has the meaning of a question mark, so by saying eh?, you are really saying 'eh eh' or as you Americans put it '??'
for example:
"You going to Timmy's eh." is a valid question expressing a desire for coffee and/or donuts.

in the case of it appearing at the beginning of a sentence it can take the form of a standard greeting, an interjection, and a question mark.
for example:
"Eh by" is a common greeting particularly in the eastern of Canada.
"Eh by where going up to the gravel pit for two four." Is a question in this case the eh expresses a common goal and suggests assistance to said goal. The goal in this example is getting drunk on may two four.
"Eh! get your hand of my donut." Is an example of it as an interjection, directly to the person who is eating my damn donut.

Well I hope this clears up some subtle nuances of the mysterious nature of this word. tune in next time when we discuss the nature of two-four, and what is truly means to some Canadians.

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