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Comment Re:The other push (Score 1) 545

IANAE - Yes, you can't trust corporations - but it's more insidious than just that. As most large corporations are driven by their share holders and stock value, a lot of this greed is driven by Wall Street analysts, the same ones that caused this economic meltdown we're still in. They announce how much a corporation should make, rate them lower if they don't meet the expectations they set, then the board sues the corporation if they fail to perform, so all round everything conspires to screw the consumer as much as possible - until they revolt, stop buying the product, the corporation lowers the price to entice them back... and the whole cycle starts again!

Comment Re:Diff (Score 5, Interesting) 65

I think a Federal law should be passed requiring not only web sites but all TOS documents to produce a diff version so it's easy to see what has changed since the last version. Who has time to re-read all the credit card, phone company, etc. lengthy TOS documents to find the one or two line that have subtly changed.

Comment Re:Idiot Police imho (Score 1) 593

... you don't know what the cop's financial situation is or how many times this can happen and he/she is out of pocket. There again the police department spent 11 hours x number of officers x hourly salary to track the guy down so maybe there should be a petty cash fund - but I bet they'd get flack for wasting tax-payer's money if there was. Bottom line is that a multi-billion dollar company like Verizon, that provides 911 services to the community, chose $20 over helping find someone in trouble is reprehensible!

Comment Re:As opposed to ... (Score 0, Troll) 174

and by extension as Microsoft apps are so big and bloated taking so long to load, are bug prone, and not as integrated as they pretend, causing work on a task to take longer... all we need to do is outlaw Microsoft products and everything will be dandy! Of course the power companies will complain because power use will decline.

Comment Re:The Widget (Score 2, Interesting) 199

I think the widget is a interesting concept to make the desktop more dynamic, though I can see your reservation that the widget would present a deluge of unwanted traffic. Some people who like mentoring the masses would want this, others who want more targeted interactions probably wouldn't. Then it would be up to the community to come up with filters, voting, & preference mechanisms to make the widget, and presumably others that will follow, customizable to different strata/verticals of users.

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