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Comment Re:Honestly, who gives a fuck? (Score 1) 608

More important is - why aren't men going into teaching? Much more concerning

In the US and Canada, reportedly, male teachers often find public schools to be a hostile environment. That is why the number of teachers increases the older students, and you see a higher percentage of male professors than female professors.

Comment Re: Why are there so few black engineers? (Score 1) 397

I am certainly no fan of affirmative action but the situation does imply that a lack of an initial "hand up" to reach the economic and educational status that will value intelligence is a strong barrier to making that part of the culture. You generally have to get your head above water before you can see that there is land there, and the value of education and upward mobility is usually hidden from those who have never glimpsed it because it's just alien to their experience.

I think this is something people don't get. You can't judge historically resource poor groups by the standards of non-resource poor groups. The ultimate goal should be for everyone to be on an even playing field before the game even starts.

Comment Re:Fuck that guy. (Score 1) 397

Whites may make up a significant portion of development staff (and they also make up over 80% of the population in the US

The 2010 US Census says that its 72% apparently, and in that number includes Hispanics, Arabs, and various other minority groups that don't fall into other groups.

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