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Comment Re:Welcome to the future, get your vaccine! (Score 3, Funny) 311

I absolutely agree, and everyone here is way too tough on Dr. Bob. A few years ago I had a severe case of Bonus Eruptus. It was so bad some days I just couldn't get out of bed. One trip to a chiropractor (his name was Nick), and I was pretty much cured. Those adjustments were a life saver.

Comment This isn't going to stop anytime soon (Score 4, Interesting) 202

It's sad how far down the shitter we are, namely past the point of no return. If the supreme court ruled against these invasive searches, it would stop, but scotus almost always sides with the federal government. If travelers protested by not travelling by air it would stop, but that certainly isn't going to happen. All the budget problems won't stop it, the government would sooner cut education than "defense." It's not realistic to see a genuine concerted effort by the majority of the public to stop this. Sure there are stories that infuriate the populace from time to time, but generally speaking those stories are quickly forgotten, with the occasional token legislation to treat a symptom of the disease, but not the disease itself. Say what you will about the tea party (I find most of their ideals reprehensible), but they are the only party for a long time who have motivated private citizens to become politically active. While I may not agree with the legislation they try to push through, I have a great deal of respect for them, in that they actively get involved with flaws they perceive in the government rather than grumble about standing in line to get scanned or the latest TSA faux pas.

Comment Re:Just that pesky Constitution (Score 1) 949

I'm afraid you are one who is wrong, just plain wrong. Look up John Marshall and judicial review. Interestingly enough judicial review didn't become an issue until most of the founding fathers were gone. Also interesting is that the ruling that brought judicial review to the forefront went ignored by Jackson.

Comment Re:Just that pesky Constitution (Score 1) 949

the problem is that the FF had no idea how large this country would be and what kinds of problems go with scales of this large. there was nothing in their time to give them any clue about how this would extrapolate.

Nonsense. The founders may have been many things but stupid wasn't one of them. The country vastly expanded shortly after the US was founded, and expanded by some of the founding fathers themselves.

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