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Star Wars Prequels

Submission + - When did Star Wars jump the shark? ( 1

stm2 writes: "As a long time /. reader, I saw how Star Wars was considered first as the "best SCIFI story ever" to the "Lucas stole my childhood" rant. This article in the Techreuplic blog goes into the subject and states that the Midi-chlorians are the culprit. It was the Midi-chlorians, Jar Jar Binks, the actors?. When did Star Wars jump the shark?. A bonus question: Did George Lucas redeem himself in Episode III (RotS)?"

Misc (data lost) 20

(data lost)

Submission + - Music from DNA patented (

stm2 writes: "Two lawers patented the idea of generating music from a DNA sequence. According to the patent, it covers "music generated by decoding and transcribing genetic information within a DNA sequence into a music signal having melody and harmony". I remember seeing such a algorithms since earlier 90's. Is this another well known idea that gets patented?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ripeando CDs pseudoprotegidos

An even easier solution (Score:5, Interesting)
by pla (258480) on Wednesday September 24, @06:02PM (#7049264)
(Last Journal: Sunday December 08, @06:40PM)
Its just a shame that all this technology will be beaten by simply swapping the sessions

I've posted this before, and no doubt I'll post it again...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Notas de usabilidad

Suscribiendome a MandrakeOnline. El cartel dice press CANCEL or NEXT. En realidad se ve:
QUIT y NEXT 5/6.

MDK ONLINE:mensajes del X en la terminal


Journal Journal: Fuentes de Windows en Linux

I use slackware, with the and the fonts look just fine. What you could try doing is this:

1) copy c:\windows\fonts\*.ttf into (say) /usr/share/fonts/ttf
2) get ttmkfdir (search freshmeat) and do ttmkfdir > fonts.dir; cp fonts.dir fonts.scale
3) add the line FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf" to the files section of /etc/X11/XF86Config
4) restart X
5) if it's Profit!!! then I'm missing out on something.


Journal Journal: How to make a System Restore CD-ROM

All computer hardware has a life expectancy, and sometimes that lifetime ends at the worst moments possible. Fortunately we are going to show you a way to backup your entire system to a bootable CD-ROM (or CD-ROMs depending on size of installation) for easy restore. We are going to do this using a nice little utility called 'Mkcdrec'. So let's get started.


First you need to download the latest version of 'Mkcdrec' at:


Journal Journal: Firewall y VPN

El firewall de proxyserver tiene que estar desconectado para que funcione la VPN y todos los que programas q se comuniquen directamente a Internet.

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Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
