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Comment Re:I have nothing to contribute to this discussion (Score 0) 147

I'm pretty sure there was a report of SOME guy dying. Let me look it up.


Oops, you were right, if this was the case I was recalling.

But the top result for my search (keywords "guy dies from popcorn") was a man being shot for eating popcorn too loudly in the theater during a screening of 'Black Swan', while the third result was a man dying on Popcorn Road. I'm an evil person, because I've got 'Thunder Road' by Springsteen in my head, only it's Popcorn Road.

Frankly, I think it's awesome that we've gone from talking about scientific exploration on Mars to an in-depth discussion about microwaved popcorn. Oh, internet, I love thee.

Comment And I'll form the head! (Score 1) 168

Competition is good for some things, but not all. For instance, there are ideas which can't be done by just one group/country due to massive amounts of $$$ needed, amongst other things. An expedition to Mars would need a collaborative effort, going by what it'd take to get there.

I think it's a little sad to think that a figurative dick-waving is what you have to do in order to get anything done, the idea that "haha, we're better than you!" urging us on instead of, "OMG, if we'd all stfu and combine resources, we could be on Mars by such-n-such a year!"

Remember, if Keith, Princess Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Sven and Lance had this attitude, they never would have been able to fight off the Robeasts. Amirite?

Comment Re:Question... (Score 1) 168

Does anyone have a clue why they want to do it by them selves?

Why not? We did, and our economy sucks harder than theirs. Some things we've done are a combined effort, but in the beginning it wasn't just by ourselves, but a race. It may as well have been Space Olympics.

But I do agree, everyone coming together would get more done. Maybe we'd actually learn to play nice, as well.

Comment Re:This is hardly news (Score 1) 240

This whole comment sounds like Tommy Wiseau wrote it.

It's funny that with every comment made about women being abused, it becomes a tit-for-tat session, wherein men jump up and yell, "MEN are abused TOO!" Yes, they are. There are plenty of abusive women out there. There, does that validate anything? And have I denied anything, saying that men AREN'T abused anywhere in this thread? No, I haven't. I'm sick and tired of having to validate this crap, and the fact that men are starting this movement as if they're suddenly second-class citizens is so absurd to me.

Whether or not men get treated badly for being men in general, it is most definitely not a given, and most certainly not at the degree that women are subjected to in being women. You don't have to carry mace or other weaponry when going down a dark street because women pose a threat to you, generally-speaking. You get paid more than the woman next to you doing the same work in many cases. You all but get a parade if you stick around to be a father, as if that shouldn't be a given, while a professional woman working outside the home has to deal with people saying, "But don't you want to be home with your kids?" to her at a constant, painting her as a bad mother for not wanting to leave a high-paying career and become a housewife.

The fact that you perceive a woman wanting change and respect, whether in a professional field, not reproducing and being their own person as "being treated like a man" says a lot. Your comment, I have never understood why a woman would want to be treated like a man, when men are truthful they will tell you they adore and look up to the women in their lives. = Giving up admiration if they don't want kids, want to work a professional job, etc., the things women SHOULD be doing, amirite?

We don't want to be men. We just want the men who say "what's she doing outta the kitchen?? HAR HAR!" to stfu. We want the general, flippant disrespect to stop. That's not women's rights, it's common decency between evolved humans.

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