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Comment Re:RTFS?? (Score 2, Insightful) 904

until recently it was illegal to publish pictures of dead soldiers to quell public outrage. Had we seen daily pictures of dead soldiers on TV for seven years, the public acceptance would have been far lower and diminished far faster than it did.

Sorry for being sensitive to the families of the dead soldiers and not letting the corpses of their dead sons be posted everywhere in "stop the war" posters.

Now, yeah the news is a farce. They split us down the middle every 4 years to turn the nation against one another, simplifying our political decisions into an us versus them, red versus blue game.

I always saw it used as the American Idol for the news networks myself.

Comment Re:USO sounds like a really great plan (Score 1) 113

Actually, the real reason that there are no standard plans is that, if I'm not mistaken, there have been no plants built in the past 30 years. And this is because of regulations. All you have to do hear is mention nuclear, and the masses think or Chernobyl and Three Mile Island and then fight you in court for the next decade until it is no longer economically worth it. It has nothing to do with the latest and greatest.

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