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Comment still must be many workarounds (Score 1) 230

even without skype, it's must be possible to have fully encrypted voice (or text or video) communication over the internet that should be completely private and impossible to decrypt in real time. so yet again, this will only affect those too lazy or ignorant to try to evade it (which will probably be most people--even most "criminals").

Comment Re:depends on the goal (Score 1) 276

all windows machines have--or at least used to have--a (Free)BSD TCP/IP stack, and MacOS X is FreeBSD (+hacks). What about the license itself, which is a BSD-type license. All of these are more used than linux or are the plumbing enabling things like GNOME and KDE.

As for userland (and I think it's true for desktop environments, too) the GNU project is just including more features in their tools, while BSD licensed tools stick to the standard (or minimalist appearance in the case of desktops). Either way, I would say there is far more BSD code running on people's machines than GPL code, although such a claim could never be proven.

I don't think that the issue is true of OpenSSH. It is true of any internet/server/protocol technology. Web servers, database servers, firewalls, ftp servers, email servers, and even web browsers would all benefit from having robust and secure code freely available to anyone who wishes to incorporate them into their products. The computing world would be more secure, but the developers would not get the credit they want.

Eh, I'm not sure where I stand on the GPL vs. BSD debate, but each probably has their own benefits.

Comment depends on the goal (Score 1) 276

the BSD license is the ideal license for openssh, since the goal is maximum use of the code. the code already works and does not need much improvement. ssh was designed to kill the clear text rsh/rcp/rlogin/telnet protocols which made the internet a much less safe place. now openssh is a de-facto standard. it can be put in proprietary products or modified however developers see fit. but the protocol remains and more people use it b/c it has a very simple (2 clause) license. nobody has to be afraid of using however they like. if it were gpl, it would be incorporated into fewer other products and it would be more difficult to achieve the goal that everyone use ssh instead of crappy, insecure r-protocols.

seems like gpl is for maximum openness of software where it is used; bsd is for maximum adoption of software.

i think the openbsd/openssh guys don't view themselves as "unpaid labor" -- rather they are developing tools to make the internet (and various sub-networks) a safer place for all users. they are non-commercial so they don't have to worry about "competitors"--they just want maximum adoption of their high-quality code and of their excellent security practices.

Comment Re:I know that Swiftfox has not been making people (Score 1) 493

what's problem do people have with swiftfox. this is actually the first i've heard of it.

firefox on linux has been the bane of my existence lately. the flash plugin especially is troublesome, taking over my audio channel (blocking other applications from playing audio). and firefox or one of its plugins has occasionally caused full system (GNOME) freezes that require a hard reboot.

aside from that, it is just plain slow. it often gobbles 100% of the cpu to do very simple stuff and an optimized version would be very nice.

Comment also the content of the messages (Score 1) 273

Even for so-called non-secret (i.e., personal) communications, some will be of the type "be home late tonight, honey" or "see you for lunch at restaurant xyz this weekend" which is a major security risk of the type described here. knowing where the president will be and when sure could be dangerous information in the wrong hands.

so the issue is not just that he'll be sending strategic directives to the pentagon via a potentially insecure channel, but that all of the president's communication could be considered highly sensitive information.

Comment Re:Deadhorse? (Score 1) 448

in the same vein, right after BeOS was abandoned, it made sense that priority #1 was binary compatibility and a consistent user interface. but (advanced as it was at the time) it is still an 8+ year old OS. are there really people who have mission-critical apps still running on BeOS-powered boxes who need to migrate them to BeOS?

BeOS was a nice idea, but it seems like the world has mostly moved on (if it ever cared in the first place). Mostly, the UI looks not just spartan, but downright limiting. The screenshots are really kind of pathetic-looking.

Then again, if the idea is to create a media-oriented desktop OS with no legacy code/decisions weighing down speed, but with a modern UI, then that is something interesting. Then again, every operating system now is media-capable, in a way that Windows3.1-98 and Mac OS 6-9 were just not. Can't really comment on Linux 1.x, but I would guess that it also was not very media-friendly.

Progress is good.

Comment Re:Actually, no (Score 1) 1131

well it's a script...i guess it doesn't matter what kind. any scripting language can run shell commands. what is a way to disable a users' account without being setuid? i am genuinely curious.

Comment Re:Spivak's Calculus (Score 1) 630

sorry--it was sheldon ross

another thought i had was complex variables. not the a+bi bullshit, but doing a good treatment of the complex exponential function (seeing all of those cryptic trig formulas just drop out is a potentially life-changing experience) and analytic function theory (cauchy-reimann equations, taylor series, Cauchy formula). i first took such a course concurrently with calculus in high school and it's not too much of a stretch. the stuff all seems really fancy, but is conceptually no more difficult than calculus. if students give you guff about "imaginary" numbers not being real, well...negative numbers are real either, in some sense. The square root of -2 is just as natural as the square root of 2.

Comment Spivak's Calculus (Score 1) 630

The best introductory book for "real mathematics" (theorem-proof style) that I've seen is Calculus by Michael Spivak. It is a large book, lucidly explained in great detail. It teaches insight and intuition, and has a very "chatty" style, as one of my professors once put it. Stay away from his other books, though. They are very advanced and leave much to the reader to prove.

That being said, I think you ask the wrong question. Don't just give a reading list. As a teacher, you should be doing the reading and teaching things to your students. Most people will not take well to a giant (or even small) list of math books to just read.

Basic group theory is very nice and has many accessible results. The book I used is by Fraleigh and is called "A First Course in Abstract Algebra." The first half of the book is about groups.

If you are interested in computer applications, "Simulation" by Stephen Ross is quite good. It is reasonably basic and certainly requires little calculus. Most of the assignments involve programs that can be written in 20 lines of python--probably more for C/C++/Java. It shows a nice example of how computers can be used for nontrivial mathematical applications (i.e., more than just adding numbers and computing derivatives/integrals that are "hard").

Other topics of interest are Probability (the dice kind, not the measure theory kind), Combinatorics, and basic number theory. I always thought Linear Algebra was pretty cool--as long as you don't focus too much on the boring mechanical junk like Gaussian elimination and stick more to the abstract notions of vector spaces, bases, eigenvalues, and spectral theory. If you are feeling ambitious and your students have seen integral calculus, you can introduce the Fourier transform and show the equivalent of a basis in function (Hilbert) space. An excellent reference is Korner's Fourier Analysis. It has many examples of applications: lots of physics stuff, how you can use fourier analysis to estimate the age of the earth, and how it has applications all over mathematics.

My real recommendation is to take some books out of your local library and skim them yourself for topics to present in class. Pick interesting stuff that will engage students with the limitless possibilities of mathematics.

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