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Comment Re:As Steve Jobs might conclude (Score 1) 216

The second is that you have proposed no measurable way to determine if the students have learned anything. Standardized tests are bad, in the same way democracies are bad. There just hasn't been any better way demonstrated. I'd love to ditch the stress of standardized testing. However, I've got nothing else to measure, in any objective way, student learning. Essays? Standardized tests that measure vocabulary (parental income) and attention span. Orals? Not at all objective. Give me something to use.

Please be aware that this is mostly a US-only problem and has been solved better in other education systems. The solution is pretty simple: Measure individual learning progress, not knowledge relative to other classmates.
Suppose we have two kids entering school, the class has a really passionate and able teacher. Their performance (let's say their reading ability) gets measured. The average in the class is 100%. Now, the low income kid really only starts with a performance level of say 50%, while the high income kid already has 150%.
Now a year later the class gets grades on their reading performance. 100% is rated F, because relative to the average on day one it means zero progress. 150% means grade A, a big improvement compared to day one.

The low income kid really learned hard, the passionate teacher gave special training to the kid etc. The kid managed a phenomenal progress up to 100%, 50% increase!. The teacher in the current US system: "Awesome! But still Grade F, sorry.". The high income kid gets a A without needing to do anything.

The end result: _Both_ loose their motivation to do anything in school.

Comment Re:Diplomacy does not always work (Score 1) 490

I'm not sure I see wages in that wikipedia quote.

So, what other metrics do you see reflected in that quote?

Also, I sure as hell do not understand why you are bringing up 2012 unemployment rates.

You can adjust all linked graphs to show the curves starting in 1980, look above the chart.

but you do realize that the countries you picked also lowered corporate taxes to

Nope, I included Sweden on purpose. Sweden is socialist in the U.S. definition of the word, and that reflects in their corporate taxes.

Comment Re:Diplomacy does not always work (Score 2) 490

What in the hell does wage development have to do with trickle down economics?

Well, quite a bit? The definiton according to the wikipedia article is: "Trickle-down, adj., of or based on the theory that economic benefits to particular groups will inevitably be passed on to those less well off...; orig. and chiefly U.S."

Yes, the unemployment rate also fits into that category. So, let's look at the unemployment rate development in other countries in that timespan (I just looked up three):
Canada: same curve.
Sweden: same curve.
Australia: same curve.
I could not find a nice graph for germany and france.

Conclusion: trickle down did not measurably effect the unemployment rate. So I guessed you meant the wages when you said it had positive effects on the poorer parts of the population.

Comment Re:Diplomacy does not always work (Score 5, Interesting) 490

And yes, trickle down did work until we regulated industry out of the US and people had to choose asking if you want fries with that as a career path.

Nope, trickle down never actually worked. Have a look at the real wage development visualized in the diagram in the criticsm section of the wikipedia article.

Comment Re:how 'bout an Office suite (Score 1) 880

you must never open word documents with embedded graphics or excel workbooks with scripts/coding or general mathematical calculations (in multiple languages where the "," versus "."

Serious companies are aware of vendor lock-in and prefer to implement mission-critical calculations in a vendor agnostic way. Do the scripting in something like python, R or whatever suits you, drop the results in a database, and use excel to access that database. It's easier to maintain, simplifies version control and is vendor agnostic.

(The whole topic also highly depends on your commercial niche, the country, your customers etc. Personally I rarely get MS documents at all (only from universities sometimes), it's mostly Open Office anyway.)

Comment Re:Apple is the new Microsoft (Score 1) 377

they didnt used to be before the ipad. nor were the phones.

This is what a tablet looked like in 2004: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TC1100-1.JPG

It's flat (in 2004 standards), rectangular, with uniformly rounded corners, with bezels of about equal width, with the front completely made of hardened glass. There even is a HP Logo on the same place where the button on the ipad is (admittedly with a different function, but visually quite similar). I own one of those. They really look similar.

I can only see two differences: The color of the bezel and the absence of those leds.

6 years later, Apple somehow "invents" that design. It's magic!

This is what people are upset about. Either Apple _really_ innovates, then ok, fine, let them have that design patent and sue all the copycats. Or Apple has to accept the fact that tablets with a glass front all look similar (which is what they did, they basically went with the tc1000 and made the bezel black!). You can't have both.

Comment Re:Wikipedia (Score 1) 277

How can you attack something that isn't falsifiable? If the temperature drops it stops being called global warming and is called climate change instead.

Nope, "climate change" was a spin introduced by Frank Luntz (a Republican "political consultant"), to make global warming sound nicer.

Comment Re:it's primitivists, not anarchists (Score 1) 333

Exactly. Anarchism subsumes a pretty wide political spectrum [1]. For those inclined to read more: John Zerzan's assay Future Primitive appears to me as the most widely cited publication. Wikipedia also has a nice introduction in the article anarcho-primitivism.

[1] = Still personally I would not include primitivism, simply because they archive the stateless society by abolishing society as a whole. With that reasoning killing the whole population is anarchist, too, because without population there is no society and therefore no state...

Comment Re:Bone Loss has a reason (Score 2) 46

If by bone loss you mean osteoporosis, then there are a few additional factors:
  • - genetics seem to play a role
  • - higher intake of phosphor than calcium
  • - lack of exercise (push ups and the like, stuff that stimulates muscle growth)

If your point of China and India lacking this problem is true, than I would assume the culprit is the lack of exercise as the jobs move from physically demanding things farming etc. to cubicle and assembly line jobs (which of course still is demanding, but in a different sense).

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