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Comment Re:yellow dog linux still around? (Score 1) 417

Thanks for your detailed reply.

*blush* Thanks again.

Here in Singapore, we are billed US$0.18 per kW/h. Although I didn't do my calculations, I thought that in future, I'd run my services using netbooks and tiny boxes - just to save on air-conditioning and physical space.

I saw their debate as a matter of "are file servers relevant today", fueled by the statement "File servers are so last century". Very unfortunately, I myself joined in the argument - very childish of me.

Thanks again for your reply.

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Journal Journal: Please mod me down 1

I've been writing many stupid posts recently.

If you see such a post, please don't hesitate. Mod me down.

Modding me down will help to tame me and make me a better person.

Comment Re:yellow dog linux still around? (Score 1) 417

File servers are so last decade

What a powerful statement, brother! I wish I can convince my boss the same! Junk those stupid Excel files and store everything in a mySQL server, that should be the way!

Oh wait, you're talking about home? Sorry, my bad.

connect it to a TV all of which come with USB ports these days and play a long list of media files

Hoo yeah! Plus, during a MPAA raid, the evidence can be quickly removed. Right, brother?


Comment Re:Not nearly every... (Score 1) 66

This means, you have a really huge bitrate for lousy quality.

I thought so too ("why not use MPEG for editing? they stupid fools!") , until I read an article many years ago. It said:

All the video codecs ever existed can be divided into two groups:

  • for editing
  • for distributing

After 10 years of video-taping and producing VCDs/DVDs as a hobby, I'm still amazed at this simple statement.

Comment Re:IBTL (Score 1) 356

The apprentice system tended to keep teens under their master's thumbs.

Interesting point. What would young programmers / sysadmins be like if they have to go through a period of apprenticeship before they're allowed to make their own decisions, I wonder?

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