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Comment RTFA (Score 5, Insightful) 1164

Disclaimer: Christian Electrical Engineering Student

I would like to point out that "" is definitely presenting one side of this story, and anyone who takes a brief look at the site can tell which side that is. This is a philosophy course they're referencing and if you look at the tests you'll notice that the questions are just like any philosophy course. They ask you to explain/argue both sides of an issue (one of the test questions even says argue against ID).

Speaking as a student, this is actually a brilliant form of instruction. What better way to make you understand and can use the material you've been taught then to have you defend it against people who will purposely be attacking it vehemently. This course is titled Intelligent Design so I would expect students to learn enough about it to defend it on some level. Why take the course if you're not going to learn the reasoning behind the subject matter.

Also, to everyone who has said that students shouldn't be given an assignment that makes them present/defend a viewpoint outside of their own. Try taking an english class sometime with a christian viewpoint. The stuff they require you to read and write about definitely does NOT fall within my viewpoint most of the time.

Comment Re:Some people should realize that... (Score 1) 392

Checks and balances was a great concept, but unfortunately it hasn't worked out that well.

What we've seen is that in the past few decades there has been a ridiculous increase in lawsuits as well as those lawsuits being elevated to higher courts through appeals. This has resulted in a shift of power towards the judicial branch of government.

No, they can't "create" laws or sign them into effect, but with our most important cases (constitutional/Supreme Court) now being decided on what judges deem to be the "spirit of the law" it is ridiculous to think that the legislators hold the power in this system.

Ironically enough, the word of law and the concept of precedence are used most in our lowest courts, with our highest courts being based more and more off of subjective factors. The inconsistency in rulings has long been an indicator of this. If there is room to move around and interpret within the law, then the one who truly controls it is the one who is deciding how it is interpreted.

Let's not be foolish, the judicial branch runs this country. The only real control the other branches have over them now is that the executive branch selects WHO gets to sit on the panel and run the country.

Comment I'd check the fine print. (Score 2, Insightful) 504

What you're talking about really seems like they're going to be conducting some sort of study involving you guys. At least, I sure as heck would if I was going to have the oppurtunity to put 600 people to sea for 4 months. I'm betting that what you do (and how well you do in the classes) is going to be monitored much more than you seem to think, and if this internet thing is part of their rules, it would be a good idea to stick with it. I could be wrong, I just can't see a university letting a chance like that for their psych/soc department going to waste. If I was a professor in either of those departments I'd be all over this program like white on bread.

Comment Re:And for those of us without 20/20 vision? (Score 1) 261

Actually I agree with your sentiment. The main reason I would say this is different is because the majority of gamers I know wear glasses. Now, obviously I don't mean this to be any sort of claim that everyone does. It just seems that in my experience a large percentage of gamers do and it could be a serious defect if they didn't take that into account. As for it being a demand for them to cater to my needs. I don't really care, just seems to be an oversight in my opinion to ignore a large percentage of their target group. Seems the makers of the glasses agreed since another comment said that the glasses come with extensions or something to fit over glasses.

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