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Comment Re:In technology... (Score 0, Troll) 475

Useability? How do you rename a file in OS X again?

Oh yeah, you have to hold down the Command key, click on the file, then select Get Info, then change the filename and hit Okay.

In Windows?

Right click on file, click Rename, edit the filename right there, hit enter.

How do you backspace?

On OS X, you have to hold down the Command key and then hit the delete key.

In Windows?

You hit the fucking backspace key, because that's what it's for.

How do you run a program?

On OS X, you select Finder from the dock, then find the Applications folder, then find your app.

In Windows,

Select Start, place mouse over Programs, click on program.

Apple has spent a long ass time doing what they want "their way," not because it's better, but because it's theirs. People buy Macs when they want to dick around and they buy PCs when they actually want to be productive.

Comment Re:two billion dollars... (Score 1) 414

There's also the issue of storms. The most viable places to put these windmills are also places where they are most likely to be destroyed by severe storms. And unlike, say, a nuke plant like Waterford III which restored service to the local grid less than a week after Katrina, you have a severe storm touch down around these windmills and you'll basically have to rebuild the entire system.

Comment This would be called the media rule (Score 1) 338


<link href="" type="text/css" media="screen" title="screen stylesheet">
<link href="" type="text/css" media="print" title="print stylesheet">

Then in your print stylesheet, for print specific crap, you just do:

@media print {

        a {
                color: black;


Or whatever it is you wanna do. I mean, it's up to you as to how you want to define the size of your page, and they COULD add a feature to define the size of the page, but that's better handled in CSS than HTML. The entire point of CSS is to change the way the document looks or is formatted without having to create a separate document for each way you want the document to be viewed. Adding HTML tags is the exact WRONG way to go about this.

Comment Re:Yeah, funny that. (Score 1) 425

Cap and trade isn't raising taxes directly, McDipshit. It creates a new nebulous financial market where companies will be able to buy and sell credits that represent fucking AIR. The only people who will ultimatley benefit from this are those who already have enough capital to invest in these companies. It will NOT help the environment on a global scale, because the fact of the matter is that developing nations pollute, and our manufacturing base continuously gets shifted to whichever developing nation can bring us the cheapest price for goods and services.

If they REALLY wanted to tax carbon emissions, then they could have just fucking taxed carbon emissions. But that clearly is not what cap and trade is all about. It's just a way to move money around while extracting the last pound of flesh from the working class.

Comment Re:The biggest tax in US history (Score 1, Interesting) 874

Between this and the health care bill fiasco, I have to wonder whether Obama hates being President and wants to cut his own balls off in protest.

Cap and trade is a SCAM. That's why Al Gore has been pushing it so hard, because he wants his cut of the market. A simple question: why is the current administration hellbent on taking the profit motive out of healthcare, but wants in turn to add it to what amounts to energy taxation? Why would you not directly tax carbon emissions directly if you were REALLY concerned about the environment? And worse still, they could have taken the money from the carbon tax and USED it to implement single payer healthcare.

Instead, we get a bunch of wishy washy idiots from big cities trying to dictate to people who actually PRODUCE things, and a President who has stated that his health care plan is good enough for everyone else, just not good enough for his own daughters.

I knew I'd see the day when the Democrats were even nuttier than the Republicans, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Comment Simple. (Score 1) 1354

First, stop referring to yourself as a geek. This does you no favors with anybody, and even if it's true, you need to stop defining yourself in a narrow spectrum.

Secondly, the way you get more comfortable in social situations is to actually BE in social situations and take advantage of the opportunity to talk to people. Contrary to popular belief, confidence is something that must be learned, it is not genetic.

Third, what are your flaws? What are your weaknesses? How have you worked to correct them? And if you haven't corrected them, why not? Is it because you feel that you cannot overcome them, or is it because you simply have been stuck in a rut that you have been comfortable in?

Are you a geek because you enjoy being a geek, or are you a geek because you have managed to find a set of hobbies that require minimal social contact? Also, are any of these hobbies actually restricting your ability to otherwise have this social contact? Is there anything that interests you that can actually increase your chance of mingling with people?

Keep in mind that once you've gotten out of school, social groups tend to be more about what you enjoy doing than anything else. People move in and out of these social circles all the time, but others are generally welcomed in as long as they have a good disposition and are not obnoxious.

So go and get out of the house and meet people, and find what it is out there that you enjoy doing, because hermits are rather poor company.

Comment Re:It's pretty simple (Score 1) 155

SAP has a HUGE consulting business, and they charge higher than market rate for their services. Even if a company gave SAP 20 million dollars for their software, if they staffed the SAP with solely SAP consultants, SAP would easily bill out more than that in a single year.

A good functional consultant from SAP will run 3-400 dollars an hour. Now consider you need at least one for every module you implement (Financials, for example, is about 10 different modules), and that your implementation will take 2-3 years, if ever. That isn't even the technical staff. That's just the business analysts.

Comment Re:I'm confused (Score 1) 305

Well, there IS that one part of 3127, right in front of Dow and Oxy in St. Charles Parish. Other than that, the road crews can't even pave brand new roads correctly. It'd hurt their chances at repaving the roads a few years from now when they fall apart and need to be redone.

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