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Comment Re:Already There (Score 1) 414

99% of the time it does nothing. But that 1% it's a useful tool indeed.

Ah, that may be true with seatbelts, but not true with guns. There are 3 states in which a gun can exist:

1) Doing nothing
2) Being a useful tool
3) Being a danger to people you don't want it to be a danger to.

Seatbelts don't have a habit of accidentally killing people, or being so dangerous to possess that they're more likely to kill you or a member of your family than to be used successfully as a "useful tool" (in defense).

Comment Better still, just shut down the government (Score 1) 644

No, we have a democracy and we can change the rules of society. We can completely shut down the federal government and if you want to have single payer in your state, go ahead and have it, just don't foist it off on everyone else's so you can feel good about for yourself for wrecking the lives of those people that are managing their health risks in ways that makes more sense to them.

Comment Actually you are slaves (Score 1) 644

In the sense that, if your country was so voluntarily willing to pitch in for health care, then you wouldn't need taxes to make it compulsory, would you? Just saying. As it is, there is at least a credible minority of people in Canada who are essentially slaves - they are working for something they don't want, and, you don't speak for them....

Comment There's no direct benefits (Score 1) 644

Let's cut to the chase and admit that the ACA is a moral argument. If there was a benefit to me, somehow, I'd have a check in the mailbox. There isn't one. The only reason that we put up with this federal slavery is to make a few people feel good about themselves, that, we're all pitching in for their causes because the people doing the most preaching don't really want to pay for their causes themselves.

The rest of us are just slaves to their dreams. No matter how good they are, they are still tyrants, and that must never be forgotten, and no man that preaches, should ever be trusted. Always remember that to make someone else's life better, government ruined yours.

Comment Re:When will they realize (Score 2) 303

Nope, polygraphs DO work....but only because people THINK they work.

They trick people into confessing things they wouldn't otherwise confess, because "the machine will find out" anyway and at least there may be some mercy if they voluntarily confess.

All bullshit, of course, but it does work....just not for the reasons we assume it does.

Comment Re:No, you won't torpedo yourself if you organize (Score 1) 388

I thought SF86 only asked about the last 7 years, or since you were 18 if you're under 25?

I reported my arrest (no conviction, and it was a misdemeanor) and past drug use on my SF86 and still got a Secret clearance, never heard boo about it. Hell, I never even got pee tested.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
