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Comment Re:Dual Monitors - No Sweat (Score 1) 871

An Ubuntu install by default will see Windows partitions. You still have to navigate the directory structure manually to create a shortcut, but as long as you've installed Wine (I honestly don't recall if it was installed by default or not), it's either a double-click away or you may have to right-click it to tell it to launch with Wine. Regardless, it's pretty simple for someone who has a moderate knowledge of computers and GUI usage. It is most certainly not the exclusive domain of leet hackers. Heck, it even does a passable job of Direct3D wrapping, but you'll note a performance boost (and UI glitches will go away) if you modify the file in the WTF folder of your WoW install to instruct WoW to use OpenGL rendering. Downside: you lose the hardware cursor. There is a (moderately complicated) workaround with a custom-patched Wine install to make it so your system cursor shows up on top of Windows apps.

Comment Re:Where there's a will... (Score 1) 438

Wait... since when does WoW focus on "casual" gamers? I'm sorry, but a game that I have to play often just too feel that I have made my 15$/month worthwhile isn't what I call "casual".

The fact that YOU feel like you have to spend that time to make the $15/month worthwhile doesn't affect the fact that many people consider 10 hours per month to be plenty. Some people log in, work on some quests or whatever, spending maybe 2 hours at a time twice a week.

Comment Re:Takedown? (Score 1) 137

If they yank it and you try to re-upload it, make sure you re-encode it with different settings first. They store a hash of the original video, so if it's bit-for-bit exact, it'll never show up the second (or subsequent) times. All that being said - I don't expect you'll have a problem with it. Haven't seen it yet (at work), but I've got it saved to check out when I get home!

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