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Comment Re:But its ok for an unfair advantage for companie (Score 1) 356

yes its triple play...the most obscene thing about it is that after your 2 year contract runs out they automatically "renew" the contract for you unless you call 2 months before the contract is about to expire and completely cancel the service. The new contract is at a higher rate and when that one expires they again do you the favor of renewing it...im now in a situation where after 6 years as a customer I have to pay an $250 termination fee to get out of a contract I didnt sign in the first place.

Comment But its ok for an unfair advantage for companies? (Score 4, Interesting) 356

I am so sick of seeing this happen. The municipal wifi project in my town was canceled by time warner. The end result was that 3 years later there is still no public wifi downtown, half of the surrounding neighborhoods still dont have coverage for anything but dial up and the people living here have exactly 1 choice for internet. My cable/internet bill is $178 a month for basic cable and 5/1 internet service.

Comment Professionals, LinkedIn and spam (Score 1) 169

While I understand the concept, I have yet to really find the value. I actually have more client asking me how they ended up on Linkedin and how to get off of it than I do ones asking how to join. What usually ends up happening is one of their clients or contacts sends out Linkedin requests (usually unknowingly) and they more often than not sign up thinking its a legitimate request and some way to exchange documents or keep in contact, the result seems to be spam semi related to their business. I myself still get at least one Linkedin request a week usually from people who have only corresponded with me via an email through craigslist or a forum I am a member of. I have a feeling their "subscriber" base is grossly different from the number of people who actually use it.

Comment Re:If my clients are any indication few will notic (Score 1) 417

I would completely agree if it actually were the "best information", unfortunately with google and most other search engines it doesn't work that way. All to often the results are more the result of rank manipulation than by actual quality of information. Sometimes I think the biggest advancement in search engines would be for one to simply add a checkbox that allows the user to never see search results from certain sites again...if I could banish things like fixya, answers.yahoo.com and stuff like that it would cut my average search time in half.

Comment If my clients are any indication few will notice (Score 1) 417

Half of my clients seem to think typing something in google is how to get around on the internet. I still have to regularly explain bookmarks, favorites, etc and when troubleshooting half of the time they cant actually tell me the URL they are having trouble reaching or getting to work in their browser because all they do is type the name of the place in google, this change will simply help facilitate that ignorance. If it was infallible I wouldn't have a problem with it but search results vary and nearly every spyware infection and rootkit I have had to remove tends to come from clicking on the first thing that comes up on a search.

Comment As if this was exclusive to apple... (Score 2) 636

Oh please, I have friend who drools like pavlov's dog every time he sees the android robot. He is overlook any flaw, any shortcoming and lack of functionality and simply declare whatever the device is as perfect just like it is....its reached a point of absolute delusion. Many Sony fans are the same way, look at any PS3 fan forum and look at the excuses and apologies their fans make for the whole PSN fiasco. Even here there was at one time a rather overwhelming contingent that seemed to think the only reason Linux didn't rule the desktop was because everyone else was stupid...nothing else mattered. I think people get rabid passion for certain things because they fear "loosing" i.e. picking the wrong or least popular product, or fear of the perception their choice has on their peers. In reality there are far more people that buy things based on what they want to do and the products ability to do it, but the voice of logic and reason is usually low key because they are busy actually using their stuff rather than wasting time defending it.

Comment Sadly the scammers make it hard for legit business (Score 5, Interesting) 387

I do mostly business consulting now but originally did home business and residential work, the biggest contributor to changing my business model was the plethora of scammers advertising cheap rates. Its really hard to charge a reasonable rate for quality work when the scammers are advertising to fix any virus problem or repair any pc for next to nothing...yes you get what you pay for but often you dont find that out until its too late and the result is the customer doesn't trust any "small business" for that sort of thing and usually goes to something like Geek Squad the next time. The last straw for me was a customer that had called to have me fix a problem that a dodgy repairman had screwed up. After completing the job even though I had explained my rates up front she started complaining about how much higher my rates were than the guy that messed up her computer before.

Comment Is this safe? (Score 3, Insightful) 247

While I do think that Hydrogen based cars is a great idea I know that a problem in their development was safety. Is having a direct connection to the pipeline at a publicly used service station a good idea? We see stupid things people do resulting in problems at regular gas stations all the time, will it use full time attendants or will just rely on people being smart while fueling up?

Comment SiFi or whatever they are no is dead to me... (Score 1) 607

Can't say I would really care what they did with the channel, why in the world would anyone want to reward their owners and investors by buying into a "premium" service...they chose to chase other markets with their programming scheme and can ride that horse to bankruptcy as far as i'm concerned. Support the channels that support your viewing habits, if you like wresting and ghost hunter shows by all means continue to enjoy syfy, the rest of us will and have long since gone elsewhere for entertainment. Hell I never bothered with SGU because of where it was...

BBC America has actually done a great job of catering to former SciFi viewers, their Saturday night lineup is fantastic with Supernatural, Being Human, Doctor Who and soon to be Outcasts. BBCA even has STTNG and Battlestar Galactica now.

Comment Wonder how many sales are lost because of this? (Score 1) 190

I know I lasted with Live about a year..the thing that pissed me off the most was having to buy either 400-800 or 1600 point cards...when the cheapest thing actually worth money was 500 and most games were 1200 so no matter what you either had too few or too many points. I understand why they do it, but I found it particularly annoying and know I cant be alone in that. To me is seemed rather shady and dishonest making me much more conscious about spending money with them.

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