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The Duct Tape Programmer 551

theodp writes "Joel Spolsky sings the praises of The Duct Tape Programmer, who delivers programming teams from the evil of 'architecture astronauts' who might otherwise derail a project with their faddish programming craziness. The say-no-to-over-engineering attitude of the Duct Tape Programmer stems not from orneriness, but from the realization that even a 50%-good solution that people actually have solves more problems and survives longer than a 99% solution that nobody has because it's in your lab where you're endlessly polishing the damn thing. Like Steve Jobs, Duct Tape Programmers firmly believe that Real Artists Ship."

Comment Re:Let me count the ways... (Score 1, Insightful) 329

It's basically a slow news day and any quasi-hippie article will make the front at eleven

First off the cardboard case will have to find a moronic PS company to allow their power supply to be put inside a paper case if they want to enter the brick-and-mortar sales market. I can think of very few companies that would jump at that idea to be quite honest since it's pretty fucking stupid. I know corrugated carboard, but I wouldn't put my $700 GPU and quad CPU's in it to appear to care more about the environment. In reality the case isn't the problem, but more of the poisons used in the manufacturing (and lack of common disposal) process that wind up in our dumps, instead of approved facilities.

Put a heavy corrugated box in a hot ass garage during a Texas or Arizona summer, then chat with me about the longevity of even high-end cardboard. I specifically am referencing very highend optical router boxes from Cisco/Juniper that I have in my garage, which are breaking down after a few months. Water as we know enjoys PAPER, which isn't normally a problem unless you are a fucking moron and put your computer parts INTO THE BOX. Since you apparently think it's odd to put a coating on something to improve the fire resistance (and subsequently water resists) I must say, you must be a raging moron. If you are running on ten years hardware, then sure I can see your point that the case storing your assorted drivel shouldn't be fire or water tight since a random short will always cause a fire, so will the bumped glass of -your favorite beverage-.

All of this under the concept that a paper case is much better than a metal one. Both are recyclable, but one is more resilient and a more practical solution. In fact the de facto metal one exists because it has a place, whereas a paper case is a problem looking for a solution.

Comment Let me count the ways... (Score 1) 329

I think its a good idea, but it will require a good fireproof coating to pass UL certification, along with being rigid enough to hold a beer or computer books. Just at a glance the idea does have some flaws though, mainly heat will make it brittle over time since it's still paper /w a coating, it poses a fire risk, it will not dampen much noise and vibrations will probably cause it to wear out much quicker, than say METAL that is already recyclable.

Comment Re:JGE v EVE (Score 1) 86

I have been playing Eve for over six years now and only because Descent and Freelancer got boring. I think they are positioning themselves to take a huge portion of the Eve player base, which used to play the previously mentioned games. Eve is boring because of the navigation and the huge amount of PvE that the game is based around. At times it seems the entire framework of the game is centered around the carebears mining or building shit in station, which is needed in a pure sandbox environment. The idea that they are basing the framework of the ship class balancing around PvP excites me. That way when it goes live all the PvP'ers from Eve will haul ass and never look back while the carebears in Eve wonder why the market crashed and they are unable to sell anything.

I know a very significant number of people across numerous large alliances in Eve that will bail when Star Wars or JGE is released. The sandbox of Eve has gotten boring as of late....

Comment Re:Crypto (Score 4, Insightful) 198

I didn't added QoS into my original post. If you VPN into work or home you can remove their ability to filter or tag your connections through a VPN. By tunneling everything through a VPN it would be a true test since anyone with a clue will set crypto traffic with a high priority on a border network.

If it's still unusable it will be due to errors on the transmission, which with tcp would be classed as slowness. With UDP it would be missing packets that are not re-transmitted.

An analogy, in quake w/ tcp code you would hump a wall when lagged, but with udp you would teleport through the wall.

Comment Re:Wiping the Hard Drive After Litigation (Score 4, Insightful) 470

The simplest thing to do is to have a second disk in your computer, one for bad things and the second as a legal spare. Some truck drivers keep multiple log books, so something like that would be easier.

That way you could show use on the second boot disk. If you get sued simply remove the illegal disk and bury it somewhere, like a neighbors yard. start using your legal hdd as you would minus the piracy piece.

Comment Re:Band of Brothers (Score 1) 352

Read the first post:

All of this is a pain, but sovereignty is already ticking to regain control. They have a little over two months to destroy us, before we get sovereignty three to re-acitvate our jammers, bridges and whatnot.

It just means this time the eve community can't cry that Titans are over-powered, dev hacks, etc. I didn't point it out since I referenced in some degree in the original post.

This time around there is no MC, RA and the handful of larger alliances with the first Delve war. This war will be a blast and the general morale of Bob/GBC is "excitement" since we have been sieging towers for the last seven months. Now we get to be on the defensive and have some fun.

The Goon Coalition has a small window to have success, but while they are in Delve they will be losing their sov 4 systems in Detroid while hoping to destroy BoB, which won't happen. They will ultimately have no home to return to, but maybe the Northern Coalition can find a nice cozy system from the dregs of the internet to fofofof in. :)

We are looking forward to it for the fights and fun, while the Goonies are doing it to prove a point and spread grief. Win or lose, it will be a fun time the next two-three months. We do not "failscade" and will not give up our home systems. We have build friendships over the last few years that will last a lifetime, so there is true comradeship and not smackfriends from Something Awful. :)

We are the bullies of Eve since we like fighting, which has made us unpopular with a good portion of Eve.

Hate us or love us, we always bring it. This time around it's personal.

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