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First Person Shooters (Games)

Submission + - Blood Frontier "Beta 1" Officially Release ( 1

qreeves writes: "Here it is, for the whole world to try out — the official Blood Frontier 'Beta 1' release. Compared to our last release, 'Alpha 2', the game has taken a dramatic turn from the slow and clunky 'thirdperson' shooter it was. Based on feedback from the community (which we take very seriously, and no idea is too big or too small) we refined, polished, and extended our gameplay to what we consider to be the most fun Free and Open Source First Person Shooter out there on the net. Many may think that it does not compare visually with some of the other shooters out there, but what we lack in art we more than make up for in gameplay. So, give it a try, play against our new and improved Artificial Intelligence, which is giving even the most seasoned of players a run for their money now; or hop on our master server at where there is usually someone either playing, or watching from our IRC channel in #bloodfrontier on (yes that is right, IRC chat support built right in!). For more information see"

Comment As goes the old metaphor... (Score 2, Funny) 296

"Give a man a phish, and he'll eat for a day. TEACH a man to phish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Sorry, terrible pun I know, but it is true; the only way to fight this sort of thing is to make people more aware of it in the first place, knowledge is power. Personally, I think they're at least trying the right thing. My concern is the automatic filtering of "spam" messages done by some ISP's and mail services (especially gMail), and how it will interfere with the success of something like this.

Comment Re:Kid mode? (Score 1) 242

Why is it that people think turning off blood makes things "kid friendly"? Are you still running around killing people?


I just think it's weird to censor blood out of a FPS called "Blood Frontier", and then call it "kid mode".

Kid mode was more about forcing the Paintball mode rather than turning off Blood.

Comment Re:Paintball mode (Score 1) 242

I downloaded it and tried the paintball mode just to see how it differs. Basically, you halt for a few seconds after getting hit. After four hits you die and have to respawn. And there is a time after the pause during which you can't be shot. Quite unique, fun and different.

Glad you enjoyed it, I wanted to be a little different in the execution of everything; which included paintball. Basically it is "easy mode" for people who have a harder time playing FPS games, like kids and newbies :)

Comment Re:Want new FPS mechanics? Here's your chance! (Score 1) 242

Hell yeah, we're more than happy to make this the open source FPS that everyone wants. Which I think is what the article poster was talking about; We strive to actually take input from the public and fine tune the game into something everyone wants to play.

You may even want to compare the old "Alpha 2" to the "Beta 1", the gameplay drastically changed in six short months based on player and developer feedback.

Comment Re:"Add the new paintball mode ..." (Score 1) 242

I mean, seriously. Why? Why take a game where you pretend to shoot people and modify it so you are pretending to pretend to shoot people?

Blood Frontier has attracted a few families with children in its development circle. Paintball/Kids mode is (what was supposed to be) an unadvertised feature for them to use in their homes.


Small Asteroid On Collision Course With Earth 397

musatov writes "There's talk on The Minor Planet Mailing List about a small asteroid approaching Earth with a 99.8% probability of colliding. The entrance to the Earth's atmosphere will take place October 7 at 0246 UTC (2:35 after this story goes live) over northern Sudan, releasing the energy of about a kiloton of TNT. The asteroid is assumed to be 3-4 meters in size; it is expected to burn up completely in the atmosphere, causing no harm. As a powerful bolide, it may put on quite a show in the sky. For those advanced enough in astronomy to observe, check the MPEC 2008-T50 and MPEC 2008-T64 circulars. NASA's JPL Small Body Database has a 3D orbit view. The story has been already picked up by CNN and NASA."

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