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Comment Re:So... can they do it pre-breakup? (Score 1) 528

The latter can result in being fired, snubbed, insulted, blackmailed, and justifiably having your judgement challenged.

Why justifiably? I mean, I agree that all of that could happen, including having ones judgement challenged. I just don't see why you singled out having ones judgement challenged as being justified. You're basically saying being filmed while having sex is inherently wrong, and in an extreme worst case, that being filmed while having sex shows that you are mentally unfit to live in society and must be locked up for your own good.

Comment Re:Autistic huh? (Score 2) 311

What has whether he is on the spectrum (yes, I know people who are) got to do with whether he is a criminal low-life.

Because it may change how you end up dealing with the situation. For example, if your intent is to fix the problem, instead of just sending such people away and forgetting about them.

Comment Re:No Surprise (Score 1) 174

In Virginia, we don't have to declare at all.

But if you do not declare, are you disallowed from voting in the primaries? As I understand it, in Maryland, if you do not declare a party affiliation, that is fine, but then you don't get to vote in the primaries.

Comment Re:well done (Score 1) 272

But also useful for euthanasia (assisted suicide). [...] You would know for a fact that there would be no discomfort or pain of dying

Just one problem with that.

it takes around three gigajoules of death-ray to entirely vaporize a person — enough to completely melt 5,000 pounds of steel or simulate a lightning bolt.

People have survived being hit by lightning. But then, I don't know what goes in to simulating a lightning bolt. So maybe most of that energy isn't in the lightning bolt itself.

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