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Submission + - Apple Excommunicates iOS Cracker (

Pat Attack writes: Charlie Miller, the security analyst that demonstrated a proof-of-concept hack of iOS, has been banned from the Apple development program for a year. Despite this flaw being demonstrated in an unlisted Youtube video in September, Apple did not catch on until Miller shared the video with Andy Greenberg at Forbes .
Already, Miller has hacked Apple laptop batteries and now iOS code signing. What's next?


Submission + - Erasing time using a temporal hole (

kodiaktau writes: Scientists at Cornell have worked to create a demonstration backing Imperial College's work on temporal holes. The concept uses a split-time lens to interrupt an optical pulse, effectively bending the light and making the pulse curve around a dead-zone. A second splitter reverses the action. This means that data run between the splitters is effectively erased.

Comment Re:Article is Wrong - Guy Has Become a Pest (Score 1) 590

In my original submission of this post, I linked to that video. In the beginning it's a little shaky. Still, it looks a lot like a fight to me. I even had my wife watch a small clip of it, knowing nothing of the story. She said that she thought it looked like a fight to her. We shall see what the courts say.

Comment In the same boat (Score 0) 362

I am not a software developer, but I am in a similar environment. I went from a media company that had over 20,000 employees to an insurance company that has 1300. The programming groups are just like your situation. What's frustrating is that the developers will release a change and not even notify us on the application support side.I find out about new versions when my users call me to complain about a bug.

Submission + - Real Life Super Hero Arrested (

Pat Attack writes: An ironic twist lands Phoenix Jones, a self-styled super hero from Seattle, in jail on Sunday morning. Jones happened upon a group of people fighting in the street and tried to stop the fight using pepper spray. He was arrested by police on four counts of assault.
The New York Daily News quotes Jones : 'I've been shot once and I don't really want it to happen again. I've been stabbed twice, hit with a baseball bat and had my nose broken,' he says. 'But in all those incidents I helped someone who was in danger.
'If someone is going to take that punishment it should be the guy in body armor,' he said.


Submission + - Real Life Super Hero Arrested ( 1

Pat Attack writes: "An ironic twist lands Phoenix Jones , a self-styled super hero, in jail on Sunday morning. Jones happened upon a group of people fighting in the street and tried to stop the fight using pepper spray. He was arrested by police on four counts of assault.
Jones claims that he has been shot, stabbed, beaten with a baseball bat, and has his nose broken while fighting crime.
The New York Daily News quotes Jones : "I've been shot once and I don't really want it to happen again. I've been stabbed twice, hit with a baseball bat and had my nose broken," he says. "But in all those incidents I helped someone who was in danger.
"If someone is going to take that punishment it should be the guy in body armor," he said."

Comment 7.62mm AP (Score 0) 1016

A friend and I used to take hard drives out into the woods and use them for target practice. 7.62mm armor piercing rounds turn the platters into metal confetti. AP rounds are a bit expensive, hollow points may do the trick. I used to work as a contractor for the DoE at the Savannah River Site. They used to make weapons grade plutonium there back in the day and currently just make tritium. Needless to say, highly classified data. We would take the hard drives out of the computers and put four holes in them with a drill press.

Comment Something Useful (Score 0) 157

Instead of taking jabs at Alaska, let me offer an idea: How about a project on biological energy? Something on the creation and use of biodiesel? You could create the fuel in the classroom with the students and use a small motor to demonstrate the use. The only caveat is that you will have to fly with these liquid materials, some of them flammable. On the same token, you could do an ethanol project. Are either of these projects feasibly suitable to the Alaskan ecosystem? Does it allow for the growth of the vegetation required?

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