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Comment Re:Someone start a defense fund (Score 1) 955

On behalf of all of the suffering people in North Korea, you sir are a tool. You have just belittled the pain and suffering of millions of people. People who are held captive by their government. People who grew up in prison for the crimes of their grandparents.

To refute your point about not being able to paint your house red...Zoning laws do not cover the color of a house. Having said that, there are some people who have HOA rules that restrict the colors that can be used. If you CHOOSE to live in an area covered by a HOA, you're responsible for the rules and regulations that you are CHOOSING to agree to. If you want the freedom to paint your house red, than you can CHOOSE to live in an area that is not covered by a HOA, or go through the HOA process and attempt to have the HOA rules changed. The important point here is that it was your choice to buy a house covered by a HOA. Just like it's your choice to live in the city, state, and country that you currently live in. If I don't like the USA and it's police state aspects, I can choose to move to Sweden, Argentina, or wherever the else I choose to live.

Comment Authentication In Pills = Dumb (Score 2) 194

What goes in, must come out. I'm not sure if I'd like to swallow a pill every day for authentication. Besides, it doesn't seem that secure. What's to stop my friend from taking my pills and authenticating as me? The Tattoo idea may be better, but it better be secure. You can't exactly "Patch" a tattoo with a security fix.

Comment Re:Visas are going to be an issue (Score 1) 273

I had a coworker who was banned from Canada for years. He was driving over the border and was asked what the intent of his stay in Canada was. He said pleasure, because he didn't want to do the worker visa hassle. They opened the trunk and found his toolbox. They were not amused. It took 5 years of the companies lawyers working on it to get his travel restrictions removed. Moral of the story is, either don't lie about the purpose of your visit, or make it impossible for them to find out that you're going to do work.

Comment Re:a rush of excitement (Score 1) 398

My wife and I coupon as well. Couponing is a great fit with my techy side. I remember talking to a friend who watched extreme couponing. They were commenting on how some of these freaks had 5 computers for printing out coupons from the internet. I laughed. I've got 7 computers for just me and my wife. I didn't buy them to print out coupons, but they work great for that purpose. We've got a reasonable stockpile of food. I've thought about trying to get a generator so that I could provide power to my freezer. It's a 20 sqft chest freezer. I looked at generator prices, and I eventually decided that it wasn't worth it. A decent generator costs +$400. I don't know how much money of meat, cheese, etc I have in the freezer, but it's just not worth the cost for a "Just in case" situation. It would be different if generators didn't require maintenance and work, but they do. You can't just let them sit unused forever and expect them to run without a hitch. Also, stocking fuel would be a problem for me. I don't like the idea of keeping 5-20 gallons of gas/diesel in cans in my garage.

Comment Re:Blackberry Enterprise (Score 1) 125

The best smartphone OS for the enterprise is still the BB by FAR. I'd list iOS as #2 because of their limited hardware selection and OS updates. I'm not sure if Windows or Android would be next, but I'm guessing it would probably be Windows phone. This is not to say that your users will want to use the phone you give them, but from an administrative perspective, BB is leaps and bounds above everything else. My favorite setting on the BES server was that you can wipe the BB when the battery gets below a certain threshold. So, you could tell a BB that if it ever gets below 10% battery, wipe itself. I just had a hard time coming up with any legitimate reason to implement such a feature.

Comment Re:I want to see the flip side of this case (Score 1) 579

The problem there is, wouldn't the fault be with the neighboring farmer? Maybe he'd have a case if his neighbor was supposed to have a "barrier row" of plants but didn't. Regardless of that, it's sometimes wise to not sue your neighbors, even if you have a legal case to sue them. Why? Because they'll probably have a legal case to sue you some time down the road.

Comment Re:Not A Flying Car (Score 1) 91

IMHO a flying car should have a performance improvement while in air.

In L.A., going 40 MPH in the air would be a 1000% improvement over going 4 MPH on the highway. Seriously though, it's not rocket science. First, you're limited to speed by the speed limit, so it's not a 2.5x difference, it's more like 2x difference. Than, you factor in all of the perks of flight such as direct A to B navigation (Yes, I know that if you need a runway, you can't exactly do A to B navigation, but the idea still holds). The term, "As the crow flies" applies here. Depending on where you are going, being able to fly in a direct line could cut down 20-30% of the travel distance. For instance, I live in Michigan. If I want to go to Wisconsin, I could save a crap ton of time by flying over Lake Michigan. Also, highways don't always go where you want to go. Even a somewhat direct route over 55mph roads with stoplights, stop signs, and traffic would bring your MPH average down significantly.

Having said all that, this company states in TFA that they were designing it for medical missionaries. I'm guessing that in the areas these people are operating, they aren't choosing between I80 or I75 to get to their destination. I'm sure that flying above the trees in Brazil or Africa could save you a ton of time. Also, coming into a primitive village in a flying machine gives you instant "God Cred".

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