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Comment What is the problem? (Score 1) 543

Seriously what's the problem?
At a certain age you can decide for yourself what you want to read/see/play. Rate it M and be done.
A game is not real, so it never can go "too far".

They just don't like what they see and decide that it goes "too far". ROFLOL. There are many things I don't like, eg. gay porn, and you don't hear me making a scene out of it.

Let the gamers decide.

Comment Re:Is day trading a good thing? (Score 1) 260

Day trading is not a quick get rich thing unless you already have a lot of money and it is still a lot of work and stress and mainly a form of entertainment. Most people work to make money not to serve a higher purpose. In that light it is not much different from regular jobs. Once rich one might do something really useful with its money, like setup a company and thereby providing jobs and new products. It's possible.

What use is television? It mainly encourages to do nothing and gives raise to social isolation. Are program makers morally wrong? Is making money with poker wrong? There are so many money making activities that you could consider a 'moral hazard' that your point becomes pretty insignificant.

Comment Re:What if... (Score 1) 260

* car pulls of the road
* "damn.. if the car doesn't start within 5 minutes I will be late for this meeting"
* driver gets progressively more stressed as time passes
* "fuck I am late, but not all is lost, I can still catch the reminder of the meeting.. only if this GOD DAMN $%^&(@ CAR WOULD START"
* One hour later. "Right.. I missed the meeting. No big deal. Too late to do anything about it anyway. I'll blame it on a flat tire or something."
* Driver relaxes, Car starts
* Driver arrives one hour late at work

Comment Re:Not the engineers fault (Score 2, Insightful) 383

Not true because the proposed button/switch would only need to be used exceptionally.

There are enough possibilities to make it fool proof.
For example, there could be two push buttons, one is to reset the scanner to normal levels and one to enable high levels. An electronic timer automatically resets it back the lower level after an hour, or when the scan session ends. To prevent taping down, the buttons must be released before it can be pushed again, this is easy to detect using a few flipflops and AND/XOR ports.

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