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Comment Re:step #1, ignore the phone when it rings (Score 1) 180

This is why I pass all calls through to voicemail unless the call is by appointment. People abuse the phone to ask me simple questions where an email would have done it in a fraction of the time. If you want to call and chat for an hour that's still doable, but my phone no longer generates interrupts.

Comment Re:I wish they would like money less (Score 1) 245

> Last I checked, it doesn't work. You either end up with an utterly failed system of production as in the USSR, or a totalitarian regime that oppresses its people, most of whom end up living in abject poverty.

That wasn't communism. The Soviet Union was an authoritarian police state state that cloaked its policies in veils of communist propaganda. Furthermore, Marx made it very clear that Communist revolutions in pre-industrialized countries would fail, as the infrastructure wasn't even there.

I don't happen to support Communism but I do get sick of these simplistic statements like "X doesn't work because that one time it was tried and 'failed'".

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