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Comment Re:I have a stupid question (Score 1) 913

They could establish their own regulatory systems. If people want certified and tested products, then an independent agency would arise to do that. Heck, if you want an example of voluntary regulation that works better than the government's regulations, you need look no further than Kosher certifications. You know anything labeled Kosher isn't full of rats.

Comment AC3 (Score 1) 294

Simple. Spec MP4 (the standard container) doesn't support AC3. You have to recode it to AAC 5.1 which is lossy and a pain in the ass.

Plus the authoring tools for MKV are better. Not to mention the subtitle support if you are a fan of foreign films.

Comment It is easy to reduce piracy... (Score 1) 134

...make buying the game easier then pirating it.

Look at Steam for example. You can preload the game and have it the minute it releases instead of messing around with cracks, and if you ever want to play the game in the future you can redownload it with a click. With the new "Steam Cloud" feature you will even still have your savegames available.

Or you can go with a 0 drm system but many companies are not willing to do that. Still, Steam is better then Securom with its limited activations.

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