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Comment Re:Comments (Score 1) 383

I live in Canada, and I have the opprotunity to watch news from CNN, Fox, CNBC, BBC, CBC, and CTV, and I find the news with the least amount of spin comes from comedy shows like the Daily Show and the Cobert Report. Typically they present a fact and highlight how stupid it is. That being said I like how Glen Beck qualifies his commentary as "his opinion", which I rarely agree with, but he presents his stories in the same manor.

Comment Re:Unhelpful Question (Score 1) 541

The Mullahs (religous dickheads aka religous hardliner leaders) have all the real power, Ahmadinejad was elected as a charasmatic figurehead, but he was so successful he now has become more powerful in the country. Even if the his opponent whom ever he is (or was if he hasn't been black bagged for the revolutions), he would still have to answer to the Mullahs.

Comment Cheaper solution? (Score 1) 541

Iranians have computers and government censored internet, and there are already non-profit groups or for-profit groups working free of charge to circumvent the internet censorship that is in place. Instead of building a new network, how about we fund the people trying to undermine the governments control directly? China does the same thing but their censorship is much weaker.

Comment Re:Is it me or does this story scream Spinal Tap? (Score 2, Funny) 165

Now, this is sounding like Yahoo Serious - Young Einstien (real Stupid Funny movie) Were talking splittling beer atoms to power the worlds first electric guitar, and lets not forget the oversized speaker from Back to the Future. Let me tell you there is NO WAY that an accoustic black hole can withstand a 8' speaker, fed from an amp that goes to eleven, and powered by beer atom fission! We're talking, fucking, muscle.

Comment Re:Is it me or does this story scream Spinal Tap? (Score 1) 165

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't BEC's near abosolute zero superfluids? These consist of small amounts of molecules super cooled with lazers and magnetic traps? How do you measure the sound comming off of them, you need a lazer just to see them? What if we got a really big speaker and an amp that goes to eleven, I'm sure we could impart enough energy to desroy the black hole.

Comment Re:I'm getting SCREWED (Score 1) 294

Great idea, who is my Congressman? Mabye I should write the Leutenant Governer General, and he can take my concerns to the Queen of England. Like I said, your system is screwing me over. Kanye - "George Bush doesn't care about Canadians" Actually that's not an fair comparison, taxation without representation is more accurate. Kind of like, a loud, obnoxious, jerk at a restraunt, that racks up a huge tab, and then shafts the guy at the next table with the bill.

Comment I'm getting SCREWED (Score 1) 294

by YOUR system. The US govenrment allows a company to patent genes, that company goes international with it and now it applies in my country, and now I get shafted with it, no matter who I vote for. My country (Canada) should elect a communist dictator, just to piss you off. Of course the US will attack and I will get shafted again. Better get the vaseline, BOHICA!

Comment Re:H-1b Visa Use at UC Berkeley (Score 1) 167

If your country doesn't have the right people for the Job you have to hire people from other countries. One of the problems is that US and Canadian workers get paid too much for menial work. I'm an engineer and I get paid well for what I do, but many workers at GM plants in the US make more an hour than I do. Some of that is due to the exchange rate, but the cost of living in most US states is less than here.

Comment Re:H-1b Visa Use at UC Berkeley (Score 1) 167

Yes more Visa's can be a problem ... I am such and idoit! I though you were talking about Visa Credit Cards. Seriously, I'm from Canada and I had no idea what a H1b visa is. Americans have a similar situation to Canadians, we live in a good country, where we grant visas many foriegn workers and students. The best and brightest leave for greener pastures. The Brain Drain as it's called is more a problem for the countries over seas, as the loss of those people has a larger effect to thier native economy. It's a shame that our people don't want higher educations to work in a high-tech field. Many of the people who I know that didn't attend college work in the Oil Patch, choosing short term returns over education. Of course now that oil is at $55/ barrel their not working anymore.

Comment Re:Physics problem with time dilation (Score 1) 820

Thankyou for high lighting that operations of a black whole and subsequent time dilation are not accurately protrayed in a movie, obviously they have no idea about the true physics of gravity and it's effect on time-space. Because next time I'm near a black whole, I'm sure time dilation is going to be the least of my worries, as the differential gravity field tears my attoms apart. I'm an engineer, my favorite courses in school were engineering physics and quantum mechanics. I haven't seen the movie, but I have never seen a science fiction movie that was entirely scientifically accurate. Usually the bigger the Hollywood budget the more the physics is twisted to suit thier needs. It's the "fiction" science fiction, that makes it interesting, in the realworld science is usually quite tedious and boring to the average person.

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