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Comment ARToolkit is awesome (Score 4, Interesting) 49

I've recently started exploring some Augmented Reality toolkits, and I got to say that for now I -really- like ARToolkit: An open source toolkit, which is very easy to set up, and I'm astonished at how good it is.
If you want to fool around with AR, be sure to give this package a go. Very easy to set up, and the results are amazing.

Only downside (imho) to this is that, for now, it only supports .wrl 3d models (VRML 2.0): But other than that, the source is very cool to modify, and I've been able to let it run (albeit slow) on my N900. Still a lot of work to do though.

Comment Might I suggest the title? (Score 3, Interesting) 134

Call of Duty: Activision Warfare

On a more serious note: I'm feeling a bit doublesided about the whole debacle of Activision firing Jason West and Vince Zampella: On one hand it's a shame to see that two apparently talented developers are so easy to fire, on the other hand: They brought this onto themselves when they decided to sell the company to Activision.
If they'd done some proper research they would have seen how horrible Activision has been treating their studios/games the past few years (loads of developers have been fleeing to other publishers), so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

I still can't understand why IW choose to let them be bought out though: They were/are a very succesful studio, and they sold for a very low price. Sounded like a dumb move at the time, and after hearing about the incredible sales figures for CoD:MW2, it sounds even more stupid that they've taken that step.

Comment Re:There's a map for that (Score 1) 137

Sorry, I'm from the UK here :)
T-mobile and Vodafone both carry this phone (with excellent packages I might add: I'm currently on a 2 year contract, 20 pounds per months for 300 texts, 300 callminutes and 'unlimited' internet)

But as said: If you have the chance, certainly have a look at this phone.
I decided to not go with the iPhone (though I love its intuitive interface), as I don't like their restrictions with regards to getting your own software/third party software on there. I think this motivation was a blessing in disguise as the N900 is the same, if not better than the iPhone with regards to interface. With its 4 desktops, plenty of customization possibilities, this is every tinkerer's dream-phone.
Damn, reading back this post, I -should- get paid by Nokia: I look like a damn ad! ;-)

Comment I'm glad there's no bias in the reporting on /. (Score 5, Insightful) 430

Nice post there: Completely devoid of any bias towards Microsoft/Windows...

Ok, let me turn off my sarcasm-mode first.

So why the negative article about this? All the users knew beforehand that the free trial would end one day: Saying that it's "nagging" the user to pay up, is nothing more than using some fine choice of words to make it look bad on Microsoft.
Seriously, there's lots of other stuff that you can slack MS for, and you have to do it for this?
Also, you got to love the 'it will shutdown without a warning'... but it warns you from the 15th of February...

Next up: Adobe nags the users after one month of using their trial software. Oh, the horror!

Comment Infinity Ward can do -anything- they want... (Score 1) 248

If Infinity Ward are so insistent on improving the variety of our experiences, they don't have to do it at the expense of the experience that many of us already love.

With the game almost having made 1 billion dollars, it seems they can pretty much do anything they want: The people will buy it anyways.
For myself, I've decided to boycot the game as I don't agree with dedicated servers, and absence of player-created content. I wish only more people would actually hold to their (announced) boycot...

As for the RPG elements (which I think is an improvement in some FPS games), I think this mainly has to do with creating the same 'addictive' elements that MMORPGs have: As long as you keep dangling that carrot in front of the players, they'll keep playing.

Comment Robots.txt (Score 1) 332

Can anyone here clarify what robots.txt stands for, as in:

Is it an 'agreement' to not scan the site at all (by a search engine bot), or is it meant to just not -display- those results in the search engine?
I'd assume, since everything on a site is more or less public, that it would be the second. And if so, I can't see anything wrong with what Microsoft's bots did.

I can see how scanning a site's content (even if you're not going to list the results in your search engine) can have some value to a company.

Comment All one big misunderstanding... (Score 0, Redundant) 809

As far as I've heard, the so-called terrorist was just the son of the king of Nigeria, who was -finally- able to flee the country, after he succeeded to get all his money transferred to foreign banks by sending out those emails the past few years.

I assume the fireworks was just to celebrate his escape... I hope he's also going to finally pay my interest he promised, when I helped transfer those 100.000 dollars.

Submission + - Most usable language to further my VB skills?

anomnomnomymous writes: I'm currently working for a company where I found out that most of the processes we do can be improved by automating them. Since it's a financial institution, most of the improvements have to go through a Compliance department, to make sure we're being compliant with all sorts of laws (think of privacy and security). Most of the improvements I've been able to do, have to do wtih automating either retrieving or entering data in the system we use. For this I use Visual Basic in Applications (VBA), seeing as it's part of the Windows Office Suite, and therefor it's much easier to get improvements through Compliance. I know that I'm probably going to get a lot of flak for using such an archaic language, but as noticed: It makes it much easier to get through Compliance, as opposed to trying to get other software/tools vetted.
I have no coding background myself (besides some very basic java/html/C++ coding), but my logical deduction (and my thorough perfectionistic habit of testing before deploying) makes me able to create great optimisations within the company.
Now my question would be: If I would like to further my skills, which can be used in improving my understanding of Visual Basic, but also maybe pave the road towards introducing other tools/languages in the company once I've 'proven' myself: What coding language would be the best to teach myself?
Keep in mind that most likely I'll be stuck to using Visual Basic the coming year(s), but I wondered if there's any specific language that can help me in understand the processes more, if not let me be able to one day switch.
As mentioned before: I mainly use VBA/Excel to communicate with other software (think of entering data in the system, and then retrieving another field of data from that same system), so any other language I would use, should be able to easily communicate with other software, and retrieve information from it.
So any suggestions out there of what programming language could be the most useful for me to explore?

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