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Comment Re:the important detail (Score 0) 634

well it's not like they didn't know her age either, they saw that before they called her too

she probably has some bizarre social quirk/ issue that unfairly turns people off or raises genuine red flags about her ability to work with others competently. making cheese sounds romantic, it also sounds solitary

Comment the important detail (Score 1, Insightful) 634

Today, Fillekes' LinkedIn profile describes her career as a "cheese maker at Mohawk Drumlin Creamery." In 2014, "I bought a dairy farm in upstate NY. I designed and built an on-farm creamery to produce farmstead sheep's milk cheese and yogurt," she wrote.

someone with her education who goes to make cheese... hey, that's really romantic. maybe she burnt out, maybe she has some social issue that prevents competent office interaction

but maybe the real issue here is resume prejudice. where the guy or gal who takes 5 or 10 years off to pursue a passion never can get back in the game. which is especially true of women and the pursuit being having children

the usa should be like the nordic countries, and have mandatory child leave for *fathers and mothers*

that way having kids dings men's careers as much as women. otherwise, as long as child rearing impacts women disproportionately, women will never achieve parity with men in the office. nevermind that men want to spend time with their children and time with dad is just as important as time with mom if we really care about strong families in this country. put your money where your mouth is on your rhetoric about strong families, the presence of a father in a child's life, and family values in general, dear social conservatives, and promote equal family leave for men and women

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 1) 173

your level of moral "thinking" is particularly brutal and ignorant. you shouldn't talk on topics you lack the reasoning abilities so say intelligent things on. there is obviously a connection between his suicide and the completely out of proportion charges against him. to deny it or dismiss that is purposeful intellectual dishonesty or genuine stupidity

we get it: "bad people deserve horrible treatment" completely out of proportion to their "crimes". you should go for vigilante justice, sharia law, and mob lynching. that's more you style. you're just a cruel douchebag with a chip on your shoulder

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 1) 173

legality is not necessarily morality

they mostly overlap, but where the two have the most problems is disproportionate punishment: massive jailtime for smoking marijuana cigarette or crushing financial ruin for downloading a file for example

it was illegal for a black person to ride in a section reserved for white people. until last week it was illegal for gays to marry. it is illegal to smoke marijuana in most of the usa, but that will change soon too

aaron swartz downloaded files. grooveshark shared files

for this they are treated with more severity than actual murders

this is not morality and not a legal status quo that requires your respect nor ensures your compliance

where the punishments are massively more brutal than the crimes, you have a legal area itself which is immoral. for example (i'm not saying they are same, it's an analogy for you to understand the topic) in some places that practice sharia law, you chop off a person's hand for stealing, or stone them to death for adultery. this brutality means the legal status quo in that society is actually more immoral than the crimes they are punishing, and such societies do not actually prevent immoral and illegal acts. in fact, they simply convince citizens to treat each other and the authorities with as much cruelty as the authorities deliver to its citizens. we see areas of the world where brutality is proscirbed by authorities creating societies where violence and brutality reign as normal

again, i'm not saying that file downloading is exactly like daesh, i am trying to make you understand how brutal punishments are not respectable and in fact result in worse social conditions

in the same way, there is no respect due to the punishments that western countries like the usa proscribe for file sharing on the internet

the proper response to the legal status quo is to defy and defile the illegitimate and immoral laws wherever and whenever you can, until there is enough of a fire that society demands a rethinking of the laws to be proportional to the actual moral severity of the crimes in question

rather than the agenda of the corporations who have bribed the government to make the punishments so cruel, which is what you are really defending with your words: not morality, but corporate corruption

now call me a douche. just like the guy who says "maybe we shouldn't chop people's hands off for stealing" can be called a douche by the type of people who think like you

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 1) 173

you do realize that while yes, one party is deep throating plutocrat cock, the other is taking it in all 3 holes

you vote strategically, not idealistically

which means you steer your country in the better direction. not stand there like an air head and refuse to participate until the entire political establishment matches your ideology perfectly

or vote for the party that has no chance and only serves to rob votes from the party closer to you ideologically that actually has a chance, thereby making sure the even worse party wins. see: nader, bush, and gore in 2000

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 3, Insightful) 173

we all can have our buttons pushed and sent over the edge. it doesn't matter how frail or unstable aaron was, the morally corrupt legal system that serves the bottom line of some fossilized ignorant corporate counsel and some asshole DA with something to prove: their moral bankruptcy, is the culprit that pushed him over the edge

if you're on the edge of a cliff and a guy pushes you slightly and you fall, is he somehow less culpable than a guy who has to pick you up and drag you kicking and screaming and throw you over the cliff? the malice is the same in both cases, even if the effort is less in one

Comment disgusting (Score 4, Insightful) 173

it's like the death of aaaron swartz

these fucking companies have a business model which depends upon an outdated understanding of how information is shared, then they utterly destroy the financial lives, or actually jail, young entrepreneurs who see the future. they could make deals with these guys and take over their companies for their "crimes", and benefit thataways

instead we have these pigheaded, shortsighted, cruel "punishments" for the crime of showing ignorant old fossils that their business models suck in the internet age

this is the worst of lawyers, corporations, and the legal status quo, and i hope these judges, lawyers, and corporate sycophants can sleep at night, because blood is on their hands

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