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Comment Re:Fucking trolls (Score 1) 187

the point is that in your life you don't deal with races, you deal with individuals. you don't buy a newspaper from the black race, you buy it from jeff. you don't work in cubicle next to the indian race, you work next to sanjay

but if you wish your interactions with those people to be according to your low iq racism, you get a quality of interaction equivalent to that ignorant guide

if you say {X} because you know sanjay likes the seattle seahawks, you have gained a friend. if you say {Y} because all indian people smell, you work next to a stranger who doesn't know you, and will never know you, because all you show him is ignorance

so you're simply saying you wish to have a degraded dull life, interacting with other people according to crude socially retarded thoughts. your words are simply a slightly more roundabout way of identifying yourself as a socially developmentally disabled moron, with a pathetic life who behaves badly to other people and whom no one really knows

Comment Re:Fucking trolls (Score 1) 187

we have a black president and he's one of if not the most cerebral president we've ever had, at least since wilson

you evalute the *individual* you stupid ignorant piece of shit

there are violent dumb black people. and intelligent peaceful black people. violent dumb white people. and intelligent peaceful white people

there is absolutely no value, none, in grouping people by skin color, hair color, eye color, or any other random bullshit that the dim minds of mouth breathing racist losers glom onto

you meet someone, you get to know them, you make a judgment of their character

but if you just look at someone, see their skin, and make an evaluation of their *character* based on that, you're a repugnant shitbag whose "thought" processes are low iq and immoral

Comment Re:offshore yourself (Score 1) 420

absolutely no way to south korea or japan. racist, insular societies. foreigners are put in a legal, social, and psychological bubble and stay there. doesn't matter if you've lived there 20 years and know the language like a native. you're different, you stay different, and you don't get to be treated the same, ever

Comment Re:roof rack and bungie cords: (Score 2) 167

i agree, i don't care about regulating hauling, i just want to see law enforcement crack down on shoddy roof rack and bungie cord arrangements. it's not industrious, it's cheap and dangerous to the rest of us. i don't care if the person is hauling it themselves, they are haulers from craigslist, or whatever: pull them over, fine them, then make them pay to get a professional to pick up their crap on the side of the highway an deliver it, right there and then

Comment Re:offshore yourself (Score 1) 420

healthcare tourism is a thing: people will go to thailand or mexico to get operations or drugs because it is 1/10th - 1/100th of the cost in the USA. often you can fly there, have a lush vacation, and come home, and actually spend less. so i wouldn't worry about healthcare unless you require cutting edge care. in which case make your way to canada or europe to get care as good or better than the usa, and no $500,000 bill

and yes, judging by his story he's close to singapore, so he may be doing some sort of visa run. it might be legal grey area, but it's not immoral or unethical so you can live with yourself. besides, the topic is american jobs going overseas. if that's acceptable to malaysia and the usa, then what this guy is doing should be fair game too, regardless of actual legal details

Comment Re:offshore yourself (Score 1) 420

you are creating a fake conflict based on ignorant prejudices about me and what i think, then injecting the ignorant position into the thread as if i said any of the position you are opposing. then you want me to support the contrarian position you made up in your head, as if it has anything to do with what i actually think or as if any one anywhere would ever want to take you up on the retarded offer

all you are doing is you are telling us you operate on prejudices rather than honest communication, that you can't tell the difference between the one dimensional strawmen that only reside in your head and actual real people, and that you lack any friends and desperately desire social interaction, because you make it personal and you stalk people based on these shallow partisan stereotypes

you need real friends, you need to actually talk to people rather than profile and creep on them, and you need to shut the fuck up because you are off the fucking topic. your social hygiene is pathetic and diseased

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