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Comment Re:RAM usage (Score 1) 493

Problem is javascript engine in firefox (haven't tested it with 3.1 yet) is very leaky, we tried programming a complex application website for a project using javascript. IE had no problem with memory, but firefox kept loosing memory up to 800mb every 12hours. Now we switched to silverlight and it's going much more smootly. So firefox can be a hell for webdevelopers and website with bad scripts.

Comment Doubt (Score 1) 478

I doubt it will go that fast, first of all not everybody has visa (or simular), which is often required for online buying thins online. And some people don't want to buy things online because they don't trust the visa-processors (see recent problems with visa-data). Others only buy things when they can physicly see them when shopping for other stuff. And what about people who don't want to have an internet connection on there gaming computer/console? This would be cutting there own sales-capabilities, even now when a lot of people buy songs via i-tunes (or simular) others want to have it on cd or vinyl just for show or nostalgy.

Comment Earlier developments (Score 1) 177

A couple of years ago, simular research was done by belgian researchers. Claiming to use a flaw in the virusses design to stop reproduction of virusses. We are now a couple of years later and there is no more news about this supercure. As others have indicated, in current crisis situation this would cause the downfall of the pharmaceutical giants and that is something goverments cannot allow at this moment.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 435

It is microsoft and other software companies that need to be carefull with there online contracts. There contract is invalid when it's illegal according to a law. And if a parent finds i funny they can press charges against software companies because there kid (not of legal age) was able to buy or use something for which it should have it's parents permission. Let's hope nobody reads this and gets crazy idees.

Comment Re:but (Score 1) 746

It's kind of a service pack, and they just removed the possibility of using a slimmer UI so it just looks faster because your doing something new. I don't have high hopes for windows 7 but it looks beter than Vista, but then again when i'm drunk some women also look beter.

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