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Comment Re:Global warming is a fact (Score 1) 1181

The other thing still being disputed is whether or not it matters that global warming is happening... Yes, the planet will change, some species will go extinct... But the planet has been changing for billions of years, and species have been going extinct since the first evolution of species.

Planetary change is a normal thing, and will continue as the sun's output varies (and the sun eventually dies). This will happen NO MATTER WHAT WE DO. The Earth has warmed and cooled many time in the past without human intervention. It will continue to do so.

That said, we ought to be more concerned about not squandering our resources, and limiting our population growth. I'd like to see us reward efficiency whenever we can. But you are talking to a /. reader who is always trying to find the most efficient set of steps to make a pot of coffee using the least amount of water to wash out the pot first... The correct order of cold and hot water to take advantage of the lukewarm water while the hot water is getting hot...

Comment Re:Hansen Must Go (Score 2) 1181

You pretty much summed it up. A scientist wants to prove his theory wrong, not right.

There may be an almost consensus that climate change is happening, but there is far from a consensus that it is caused by man's actions or inactions. The planet does a lot of thing that we cannot understand completely.

Weather is far from predictable-- as a pilot I find the weather predictions can rarely be trusted more than one day out... How can we possibly make predictions for *decades* in the future?

Am I saying we should burn all the oil as fast as possible and dump as many pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as possible? Not at all... We humans have a duty to be conservative of resources in everything we do. Improving efficiency is a good thing, and that often takes economic factors.

Comment Re:Hey, don't blame me! (Score 0) 1108

That would be nice, but we have both sides of the fence touting god this and god that. Obama is constantly holding prayer breakfasts and promoting these fairy tales, saying that his faith guides his policies just as much as Bush did. There is no escape from this lunacy.Perhaps his Holy Noodleness, the Great FSM, will smite them all!

Comment The Old Feedback Loop Marketing Trick (Score 1) 178

Post a link about the pay walled NYT site on the pay walled WSJ site. Then post a link back to the pay walled NYT site on the WSJ site. You use up everyody's ten free views and people realize how cool these papers are and start paying for them..

Either that or we end up in a Chronic Hysteresis...

Comment App already exists... iSwifter (Score 1) 118

There is already a service that works like this. An app called iSwifter gives you a Linux Firefox window that runs flash based content. It works decently, though can get a hinlegalgy at times. iSwifter is a one time fee. They do Not charge per month (I think they originally did, but nobody wanted to pay). I use iSwifter for King Schools flight training programs, which are flash based. Works pretty well.

Comment Good riddance (Score 3, Interesting) 356

There are far too many in "accedemia" who just get tenure and do nothing. How about schools focus on TEACHING, specifically undergrads.... Universities these days just worry about publishing and other things that get them grants, but don't care too much about the students, especially the undergrads, which is all the degree most of them are going to get... Put people out in their field and they will learn far more in a week than in a semester of school.

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