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Comment Re:Couldn't agree more (Score 1) 536

that's actually a marketing technique that allows you to charge each person what they're willing to pay. Those who think getting the game within the first few days is worth it will pay an inflated price, while those who aren't willing to do that will pay less at a later date. It's exactly what apple does with almost every one of its products; it's insanely expensive to buy apple products anywhere near launch dates, since those prices are reserved for apple fanboys. The rest of us can wait a month or two until they start charging something more reasonable.

Comment Re:So your obviously a racist troll, but anyway... (Score 1) 461

Germans didn't start WW1, that was an Austrian invention. Germany was just dragged into the war because of a treaty, just like the rest of europe and russia. Hitler was Austrian too btw, and by 1939 Austria was part of Germany. So the whole starting and losing two world wars is mainly an Austrian invention.

Oh, hey! Godwin's law!

Comment Re:Overreaction (Score 1) 368

I live in Chile. It's already winter here and I haven't seen any corpses on the streets. I think we've got one or two dead people from swine flu. Actually, two of my nieces got diagnosed with swine flu two weeks ago. They had a fever for two days and then they were fine.

Lamest pandemic ever.

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